/* * RTPSocketAdapter.java 21/06/07 * author: Max * MSN: zengfc@21cn.com * QQ: 22291911 * Email: zengfc@21cn.com * */ import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.MulticastSocket; import java.net.DatagramPacket; import java.net.SocketException; import javax.media.protocol.PushSourceStream; import javax.media.protocol.ContentDescriptor; import javax.media.protocol.SourceTransferHandler; import javax.media.rtp.RTPConnector; import javax.media.rtp.OutputDataStream; /** * An implementation of RTPConnector based on UDP sockets. */ public class RTPSocketAdapter implements RTPConnector { DatagramSocket dataSock; DatagramSocket ctrlSock; InetAddress addr; int destDataPort; int destCtrlPort; SockInputStream dataInStrm = null, ctrlInStrm = null; SockOutputStream dataOutStrm = null, ctrlOutStrm = null; public RTPSocketAdapter(InetAddress addr, int port, int ttl) throws IOException { try { if (addr.isMulticastAddress()) { dataSock = new MulticastSocket(port); ctrlSock = new MulticastSocket(port+1); ((MulticastSocket)dataSock).joinGroup(addr); ((MulticastSocket)dataSock).setTimeToLive(ttl); ((MulticastSocket)ctrlSock).joinGroup(addr); ((MulticastSocket)ctrlSock).setTimeToLive(ttl); } else { dataSock = new DatagramSocket(port, InetAddress.getLocalHost()); ctrlSock = new DatagramSocket(port+1, InetAddress.getLocalHost()); } } catch (SocketException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } this.addr = addr; this.destDataPort = port; } public RTPSocketAdapter(DatagramSocket dataSock, DatagramSocket ctrlSock, InetAddress addr, int destDataPort, int destCtrlPort) throws IOException { this.dataSock = dataSock; this.ctrlSock = ctrlSock; this.addr = addr; this.destDataPort = destDataPort; this.destCtrlPort = destCtrlPort; } /** * Returns an input stream to receive the RTP data. */ public PushSourceStream getDataInputStream() throws IOException { if (dataInStrm == null) { dataInStrm = new SockInputStream(dataSock, addr, destDataPort); dataInStrm.start(); } return dataInStrm; } /** * Returns an output stream to send the RTP data. */ public OutputDataStream getDataOutputStream() throws IOException { if (dataOutStrm == null) dataOutStrm = new SockOutputStream(dataSock, addr, destDataPort); return dataOutStrm; } /** * Returns an input stream to receive the RTCP data. */ public PushSourceStream getControlInputStream() throws IOException { if (ctrlInStrm == null) { ctrlInStrm = new SockInputStream(ctrlSock, addr, destCtrlPort); ctrlInStrm.start(); } return ctrlInStrm; } /** * Returns an output stream to send the RTCP data. */ public OutputDataStream getControlOutputStream() throws IOException { if (ctrlOutStrm == null) ctrlOutStrm = new SockOutputStream(ctrlSock, addr, destCtrlPort); return ctrlOutStrm; } /** * Close all the RTP, RTCP streams. */ public void close() { if (dataInStrm != null) dataInStrm.kill(); if (ctrlInStrm != null) ctrlInStrm.kill(); dataSock.close(); ctrlSock.close(); } /** * Set the receive buffer size of the RTP data channel. * This is only a hint to the implementation. The actual implementation * may not be able to do anything to this. */ public void setReceiveBufferSize( int size) throws IOException { dataSock.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } /** * Get the receive buffer size set on the RTP data channel. * Return -1 if the receive buffer size is not applicable for * the implementation. */ public int getReceiveBufferSize() { try { return dataSock.getReceiveBufferSize(); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * Set the send buffer size of the RTP data channel. * This is only a hint to the implementation. The actual implementation * may not be able to do anything to this. */ public void setSendBufferSize( int size) throws IOException { dataSock.setSendBufferSize(size); } /** * Get the send buffer size set on the RTP data channel. * Return -1 if the send buffer size is not applicable for * the implementation. */ public int getSendBufferSize() { try { return dataSock.getSendBufferSize(); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * Return the RTCP bandwidth fraction. This value is used to * initialize the RTPManager. Check RTPManager for more detauls. * Return -1 to use the default values. */ public double getRTCPBandwidthFraction() { return -1; } /** * Return the RTCP sender bandwidth fraction. This value is used to * initialize the RTPManager. Check RTPManager for more detauls. * Return -1 to use the default values. */ public double getRTCPSenderBandwidthFraction() { return -1; } /** * An inner class to implement an OutputDataStream based on UDP sockets. */ class SockOutputStream implements OutputDataStream { DatagramSocket sock; InetAddress addr; int port; public SockOutputStream(DatagramSocket sock, InetAddress addr, int port) { this.sock = sock; this.addr = addr; this.port = port; } public int write(byte data[], int offset, int len) { try { sock.send(new DatagramPacket(data, offset, len, addr, port)); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } return len; } } /** * An inner class to implement an PushSourceStream based on UDP sockets. */ class SockInputStream extends Thread implements PushSourceStream { DatagramSocket sock; InetAddress addr; int port; boolean done = false; boolean dataRead = false; SourceTransferHandler sth = null; public SockInputStream(DatagramSocket sock, InetAddress addr, int port) { this.sock = sock; this.addr = addr; this.port = port; } public int read(byte buffer[], int offset, int length) { DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(buffer, offset, length, addr, port); try { sock.receive(p); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } synchronized (this) { dataRead = true; notify(); } return p.getLength(); } public synchronized void start() { super.start(); if (sth != null) { dataRead = true; notify(); } } public synchronized void kill() { done = true; notify(); } public int getMinimumTransferSize() { return 2 * 1024; // twice the MTU size, just to be safe. } public synchronized void setTransferHandler(SourceTransferHandler sth) { this.sth = sth; dataRead = true; notify(); } // Not applicable. public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor() { return null; } // Not applicable. public long getContentLength() { return LENGTH_UNKNOWN; } // Not applicable. public boolean endOfStream() { return false; } // Not applicable. public Object[] getControls() { return new Object[0]; } // Not applicable. public Object getControl(String type) { return null; } /** * Loop and notify the transfer handler of new data. */ public void run() { while (!done) { synchronized (this) { while (!dataRead && !done) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } dataRead = false; } if (sth != null && !done) { sth.transferData(this); } } } } }
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