package org.microblog.dao; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.microblog.po.Friend; import org.microblog.util.DBConn; public class FriendDao { public boolean addFriend(final Friend friend){ //f_status //1为u1关注u2 //2为u1与u2互相关注 //获得关注的人数量 int u_id = friend.getU_id(); int u_id2 = friend.getU_id2(); DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); //int id = 0; long amount = 0; int addAffectedRows = 0; int changeAffectedRows = 0; String sql_u2_u1="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_u2_u1, new Object[]{u_id2,u_id}); try { while({ //id=rs.getInt("f_id"); amount = rs.getLong("count(*)"); } if(amount==0){ String sql_addfriend = "insert into friend values(null,?,?,?)"; addAffectedRows = dbConn.execOther(sql_addfriend, new Object[]{u_id,u_id2,1}); }else if(amount==1){ String sqlChangeStatus = "update friend set f_status = 2 where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; changeAffectedRows = dbConn.execOther(sqlChangeStatus, new Object[]{u_id2,u_id}); } return ((addAffectedRows>0)||(changeAffectedRows>0))?true:false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return false; } public boolean removeFriendById(final int u_id,final int u_id2){ //删除关注 String sql_removeFriendById="SELECT f_id,f_status FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; String sql_removeFriendById2="SELECT f_id,f_status FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs1 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_removeFriendById, new Object[]{u_id,u_id2}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_removeFriendById2, new Object[]{u_id2,u_id}); int status1 = 0; int status2 = 0; int id1 = 0; int id2 = 0; int affectedRows1 = 0; int affectedRows2 = 0; try { while({ if(!rs1.wasNull()){ id1=rs1.getInt("f_id"); status1=rs1.getInt("f_status"); } } while({ if(!rs2.wasNull()) id2=rs2.getInt("f_id"); status2=rs2.getInt("f_status"); } if(status1==1){ String sql_sql_removeFriend = "delete from friend where f_id = ?"; affectedRows1 = dbConn.execOther(sql_sql_removeFriend, new Object[]{id1}); }else if(status2==1){ String sql_sql_removeFriend = "delete from friend where f_id = ?"; affectedRows1 = dbConn.execOther(sql_sql_removeFriend, new Object[]{id2}); }else if(status1==2){ String sql_sql_removeFriend2 = "update friend set u_id=?,u_id2=?,f_status=? where f_id = ?"; affectedRows2 = dbConn.execOther(sql_sql_removeFriend2, new Object[]{u_id2,u_id,1,id1}); }else if(status2==2){ String sql_sql_removeFriend2 = "update friend set f_status=? where f_id = ?"; affectedRows2 = dbConn.execOther(sql_sql_removeFriend2, new Object[]{1,id2}); } if((affectedRows1>0)||(affectedRows2>0)){ return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs1.close(); rs2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return false; } public int isFriend(final int u_id,final int u_id2){ //判断二人关系 /* * u_id1关注u_id2返回 1 * u_id2关注u_id1返回 2 * 互为好友 3 */ String sql_getStatusById="SELECT f_status FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; String sql_getStatusById2="SELECT f_status FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs1 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getStatusById, new Object[]{u_id,u_id2}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getStatusById2, new Object[]{u_id2,u_id}); int status1 = 0; int status2 = 0; try { while({ if(!rs1.wasNull()){ status1=rs1.getInt("f_status"); } } while({ if(!rs2.wasNull()) status2=rs2.getInt("f_status"); } if(status1==1){ return 1; //u_id1关注u_id2 }else if(status2==1){ return 2; //u_id2关注u_id1 }else if((status1==2)||(status2==2)){ return 3; //互为好友 } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs1.close(); rs2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return 0; } public boolean existRelationship(final int u_id, final int u_id2) { String strSql = "select f_status from friend where u_id = ? and u_id2 = ?"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(strSql, new Object[] { u_id, u_id2 }); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(strSql, new Object[] { u_id2, u_id }); int f_status = 0; int f_status2 = 0; try { if ( { f_status = rs.getInt(1); } if ( { f_status2 = rs2.getInt(1); } return (f_status > 0 || f_status2>0)? true : false; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } } public long getFansAmountById(final int u_id){ //f_status //1为u1关注u2 //2为u1与u2互相关注 //获得关注的人数量 String sql_getFansAmountById="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and f_status = 1"; String sql_getFansAmountById2="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFansAmountById3="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 2"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansAmountById, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansAmountById2, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs3 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansAmountById3, new Object[]{u_id}); long amount = 0; long amount2 = 0; long amount3 = 0; try { while({ amount=rs.getLong("count(*)"); } while({ amount2=rs2.getLong("count(*)"); } while({ amount3=rs3.getLong("count(*)"); } return (amount+amount2+amount3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); rs3.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return amount; } public long getFansedAmountById(final int u_id){ //f_status //1为u1关注u2 //2为u1与u2互相关注 //获得被关注的数量 String sql_getFansedAmountById="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 1"; String sql_getFansedAmountById2="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFansedAmountById3="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and f_status = 2"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedAmountById, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedAmountById2, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs3 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedAmountById3, new Object[]{u_id}); long amount = 0; long amount2 = 0; long amount3 = 0; try { while({ amount=rs.getLong("count(*)"); } while({ amount2=rs2.getLong("count(*)"); } while({ amount3=rs3.getLong("count(*)"); } return (amount+amount2+amount3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); rs3.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return amount; } public long getFriendAmountById(final int u_id){ //获得互相关注的好友的数量 //f_status //1为u1关注u2 //2为u1与u2互相关注 String sql_getFriendAmount="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFriendAmount2="SELECT count(*) FROM `microblog`.`friend` where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 2"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFriendAmount, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFriendAmount2, new Object[]{u_id}); long amount = 0; long amount2 = 0; try { while({ amount=rs.getLong("count(*)"); } while({ amount2=rs2.getLong("count(*)"); } return amount+amount2; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return 0; } public List<Integer> getFansIdListbyUserId(final int u_id){ List<Integer> fansIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sql_getFansListbyUserId = "select u_id2 from friend where u_id = ? and f_status = 1"; String sql_getFansListbyUserId2 = "select u_id2 from friend where u_id = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFansListbyUserId3 = "select u_id from friend where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 2"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansListbyUserId, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansListbyUserId2, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs3 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansListbyUserId3, new Object[]{u_id}); try { while({ fansIdList.add(rs.getInt("u_id2")); } while({ fansIdList.add(rs2.getInt("u_id2")); } while({ fansIdList.add(rs3.getInt("u_id")); } return fansIdList; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); rs3.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return null; } public List<Integer> getFansedIdListbyUserId(final int u_id){ List<Integer> fansIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sql_getFansedListbyUserId = "select u_id from friend where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFansedListbyUserId3 = "select u_id2 from friend where u_id = ? and f_status = 2"; String sql_getFansedListbyUserId2 = "select u_id from friend where u_id2 = ? and f_status = 1"; DBConn dbConn = new DBConn(); ResultSet rs = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedListbyUserId, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs2 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedListbyUserId2, new Object[]{u_id}); ResultSet rs3 = dbConn.execQuery(sql_getFansedListbyUserId3, new Object[]{u_id}); try { while({ fansIdList.add(rs.getInt("u_id")); } while({ fansIdList.add(rs2.getInt("u_id")); } while({ fansIdList.add(rs3.getInt("u_id2")); } return fansIdList; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { rs.close(); rs2.close(); rs3.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dbConn.closeConn(); } return null; } /* public static void main(String[] args) { Friend friend = new Friend(); friend.setU_id(1); friend.setU_id2(6); FriendDao friendDao = new FriendDao(); System.out.println(friendDao.addFriend(friend)); System.out.println(friendDao.getFansAmountById(1)); System.out.println(friendDao.getFansedAmountById(1)); System.out.println(friendDao.getFriendAmountById(1)); System.out.println(friendDao.isFriend(2, 5)); } */ }
guzhoumingyue LV1
543539666 LV7
彭星旭 LV1
qingyu1 LV1
Yingxuan LV1
森屿elf LV2
微信网友_5952843817488384 LV2
葡萄树下酒庄 LV9
酸欠hhhh LV1
lk030111 LV1
goccgoccgocc LV4
pangzhihui LV14
ccccccc1 LV1
k666k6 LV1
guzhoumingyue LV1
三十一 LV2
罗清晨 LV13
彭星旭 LV1
543539666 LV7