// Copyright (c) 2000 Just Objects B.V. <just@justobjects.nl> // Distributable under LGPL license. See terms of license at gnu.org. package com.targsoft.engine; import nl.justobjects.pushlet.client.PushletClient; import nl.justobjects.pushlet.client.PushletClientListener; import nl.justobjects.pushlet.core.Event; import nl.justobjects.pushlet.core.Protocol; import nl.justobjects.pushlet.util.PushletException; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Date; public class SystemChatEngine extends Thread implements PushletClientListener, Protocol { private static SystemChatEngine systemChatEngine = new SystemChatEngine("http://localhost/bsIM/pushlet.srv"); private PushletClient pushletClient; private String aHosturl=null; private static final String SUBJECT = "/pushlet/ping,/user/login,/user/chat"; private String meSessionID = null; //在线用户 里面装的就是在线用户队列 key= pushlet专有的 SessionID 此属性内部使用 private Map<String,OnlineUser> onlinesUsedByinner = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(0)); //在线用户 里面装的就是在线用户队列 key= accountID private Map<String,OnlineUser> onlines = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(0)); private SystemChatEngine(String aHosturl) { this.aHosturl = aHosturl; } public void run() { // Create and start a Pushlet client; we receive callbacks // through onHeartbeat() and onData(). try { pushletClient = new PushletClient(aHosturl); pushletClient.setDebug(false); pushletClient.join(); pushletClient.listen(this, Protocol.MODE_PULL,SUBJECT); p("pushletClient started"); } catch (PushletException pe) { p("Error in setting up pushlet session pe=" + pe); return; } } /** Error occurred. */ public void onError(String message) { p(message); } /** Abort event from server. */ public void onAbort(Event theEvent) { p("onAbort received: " + theEvent); } /** Data event from server. */ public void onData(Event theEvent) { // Calculate round trip delay if( theEvent.getSubject().equalsIgnoreCase("/user/login") ){ if(!meSessionID.equalsIgnoreCase(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM))){ //如果是登陆的消息 并且不是自己发出的 并且 队列中没有这个id的节点 if ( onlinesUsedByinner.get(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM)) == null) { OnlineUser curOnlineUser = new OnlineUser(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM), theEvent.getField("accountID") ,theEvent.getField("name") ); curOnlineUser.setAliveTS(Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME))); //添加到在线数组中 onlinesUsedByinner.put(curOnlineUser.getId() ,curOnlineUser); onlines.put(curOnlineUser.getAccountID(), curOnlineUser); p(curOnlineUser.username + "["+ curOnlineUser.accountID+"]上线了!!"); } else { OnlineUser curOnlineUser = onlinesUsedByinner.get(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM)); //如果是登陆的消息 并且不是自己发出的 并且 树中有这个id的节点 就更新他的在线时间戳 curOnlineUser.setAliveTS(Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME))); onlinesUsedByinner.put(curOnlineUser.getId() ,curOnlineUser); onlines.put(curOnlineUser.getAccountID(), curOnlineUser); } } } if( theEvent.getSubject().equalsIgnoreCase("/user/chat") ){ if(!meSessionID.equalsIgnoreCase(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM))){ long then = Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME)); long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - then; p("从"+onlinesUsedByinner.get(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM)).getUsername()+"["+onlinesUsedByinner.get(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_FROM)).getAccountID()+"]来"); p("onData: #" + theEvent.getField("message") + " on " + (new Date()).toLocaleString() + " ms"); } } } /** Heartbeat event from server. */ public void onHeartbeat(Event theEvent) { p("onHeartbeat received: " + theEvent); } /** Generic print. */ public void p(String s) { System.out.println("[println:] " + s); } /** Main program. */ public static void main(String args[]) { systemChatEngine.start(); } public void onRefresh(Event theEvent) { long then = Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME)); long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - then; //p("onRefresh: #" + theEvent + " in " + delay + " ms"); } public void onRefresh_ack(Event theEvent) { long curEventP_time = Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME)); Set<String> keySet = new HashSet(onlinesUsedByinner.keySet()); for(String curkey : keySet){ //当前时间戳-上次更新的时间戳 如果间隔较大 说明没更新 掉了 if((curEventP_time- onlinesUsedByinner.get(curkey).getAliveTS())>30){ OnlineUser curOnlineUser = onlinesUsedByinner.get(curkey); p(curOnlineUser.username + "["+ curOnlineUser.accountID+"]离开了!!"); onlinesUsedByinner.remove(curkey);//从在线用户移除 onlines.remove(curOnlineUser.accountID);//从在线用户移除 } } keySet = onlinesUsedByinner.keySet(); /* for(String curkey : keySet){ p("现在有在线用户:"+onlines.get(curkey).username + "["+ onlines.get(curkey).accountID+"]!!"); } */ long then = Long.parseLong(theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_TIME)); long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - then; //p("onRefresh_ack: #" + theEvent + " in " + delay + " ms"); Map attributemap = new HashMap(); try { attributemap.put("name", java.net.URLEncoder.encode("system系统","UTF-8")); attributemap.put("accountID", java.net.URLEncoder.encode("system","UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { pushletClient.publish("/user/login", attributemap); } catch (PushletException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected class OnlineUser { private String id = null; private String username = null; private String accountID = null; private long aliveTS = 0; public OnlineUser(String id ,String accountID, String username){ this.id = id; this.accountID = accountID; this.username = username; } /** * @return the id */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * @return the accountID */ public String getAccountID() { return accountID; } /** * @return the username */ public String getUsername() { return username; } /** * @return the aliveTS */ public long getAliveTS() { return aliveTS; } /** * @param aliveTS the aliveTS to set */ public void setAliveTS(long aliveTS) { this.aliveTS = aliveTS; } } public void onJoinListenAck(Event theEvent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //p("onJoinListenAck received: " + theEvent); meSessionID = theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_ID); } public void onListenAck(Event theEvent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //p("onListenAck received: " + theEvent); meSessionID = theEvent.getField(Protocol.P_ID); } /** * @return the pushletClient */ public static PushletClient getPushletClient() { while( systemChatEngine.pushletClient==null){ } return systemChatEngine.pushletClient; } /** * 在线用户 里面装的就是在线用户队列 key= accountID * @return the onlines */ public static Map<String, OnlineUser> getOnlines() { return systemChatEngine.onlines; } }
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