package cn.javass.common.db; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public abstract class JDBCTemplate<M,Q extends M> { public M getByUuid(Q qm,int uuid) { Q q = null; try { q = (Q) qm.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Method ms[] = qm.getClass().getMethods(); for(Method mth : ms){ if(mth.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("setUuid")){ try { mth.invoke(q, uuid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } List<M> list = this.getByCondition(q,1,100,new ArrayList<String>()); if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ return list.get(0); } return null; } public List<M> getAll(Q qm,int fromNum,int toNum) { Q q = null; try { q = (Q) qm.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return this.getByCondition(q,fromNum,toNum,new ArrayList<String>()); } public int getCount(Q qm){ return this.getCount(qm, new ArrayList<String>()); } public int getCount(Q qm,List<String> excludeName) { int count = 0; Connection conn = null; try{ //1 conn = DbConn.getConn(); //2: String sql = this.getCountMainSql(qm); sql = this.prepareSql(sql, qm,excludeName); System.out.println("sql=="+sql); //3: PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //4: this.setValue(pstmt, qm,0,0,excludeName); //5: ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();; count = rs.getInt(1); //6: rs.close(); pstmt.close(); }catch(Exception err){ err.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return count; } public List<M> getByCondition(Q qm,int fromNum,int toNum){ return this.getByCondition(qm, fromNum,toNum,new ArrayList<String>()); } public List<M> getByCondition(Q qm,int fromNum,int toNum,List<String> excludeName) { List<M> list = new ArrayList<M>(); Connection conn = null; try{ //1 conn = DbConn.getConn(); //2: String sql = this.getQueryByConditionMainSql(qm); sql = this.prepareSql(sql, qm,excludeName); //翻页 sql = this.needPageSql(sql); System.out.println("sql=="+sql); //3: PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //4: int count = this.setValue(pstmt, qm,fromNum,toNum,excludeName); this.setPageValue(pstmt, count, fromNum, toNum); //5: ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while({ M tempM = this.rs2model(rs,qm); list.add(tempM); } //6: rs.close(); pstmt.close(); }catch(Exception err){ err.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return list; } private String needPageSql(String sql){ String str = "with aa as ("+sql+") select * from aa where r>=? and r<=?"; return str; } protected String getQueryByConditionMainSql(Q m)throws SQLException { return this.getQueryByConditionMainSqlSelectPart(m)+this.getQueryByConditionMainSqlFormPart(m)+this.getQueryByConditionMainSqlWherePart(m); } protected String getQueryByConditionMainSqlSelectPart(Q m)throws SQLException { return "select rownum r,t.* "; } protected String getQueryByConditionMainSqlFormPart(Q m)throws SQLException { String tempStr = m.getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName(); tempStr = tempStr.substring(0,tempStr.length()-5); return " from tbl_"+tempStr+" t "; } protected String getQueryByConditionMainSqlWherePart(Q m)throws SQLException { return " where 1=1 "; } protected String getCountMainSql(Q m)throws SQLException { String tempStr = m.getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName(); tempStr = tempStr.substring(0,tempStr.length()-5); String sql = "select count(*) from tbl_"+tempStr+" t where 1=1 "; return sql; } protected String prepareSql(String sql,Q qm,List<String> excludeName)throws SQLException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(sql); Field fs[] = qm.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields(); Field fs2[] = qm.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f : fs){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } if(excludeName.contains(f.getName())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("java.lang.String")){ String v = ""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName()); if(v!=null && v.trim().length()>0 && !v.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" like ? "); } }else if(type.endsWith("int")){ int v = Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ if(this.isAreaValue(fs2, f.getName())){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" >=? "); }else{ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" =? "); } } }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ float v = Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ if(this.isAreaValue(fs2, f.getName())){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" >=? "); }else{ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" =? "); } } }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ long v = Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ if(this.isAreaValue(fs2, f.getName())){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" >=? "); }else{ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName()+" =? "); } } } } for(Field f : fs2){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("int")){ int v = Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v>0){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName().substring(0,f.getName().length()-1)+" <=? "); } }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ float v = Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName().substring(0,f.getName().length()-1)+" <=? "); } }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ long v = Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ buffer.append(" and t."+f.getName().substring(0,f.getName().length()-1)+" <=? "); } } } return buffer.toString(); } protected int setValue(PreparedStatement pstmt,Q qm,int fromNum,int toNum,List<String> excludeName) throws SQLException{ int count = 1; Field fs[] = qm.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields(); Field fs2[] = qm.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f : fs){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } if(excludeName.contains(f.getName())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("java.lang.String")){ String v = ""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName()); if(v!=null && v.trim().length()>0 && !v.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){ pstmt.setString(count, "%"+v+"%"); count++; } }else if(type.endsWith("int")){ int v = Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ pstmt.setInt(count, v); count++; } }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ float v = Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ pstmt.setFloat(count, v); count++; } }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ long v = Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ pstmt.setLong(count, v); count++; } } } for(Field f : fs2){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("int")){ int v = Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v>0){ pstmt.setInt(count, v); count++; } }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ float v = Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ pstmt.setFloat(count, v); count++; } }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ long v = Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(qm, f.getName())); if(v > 0){ pstmt.setLong(count, v); count++; } } } return count; } private void setPageValue(PreparedStatement pstmt,int count,int fromNum,int toNum) throws SQLException{ //翻页 if(fromNum > 0 && toNum >0){ pstmt.setInt(count, fromNum); count++; pstmt.setInt(count, toNum); count++; } } protected M rs2model(ResultSet rs,Q qm) throws Exception{ M retm = (M)(qm.getClass().getSuperclass().newInstance()); Field fs[] = qm.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f : fs){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("java.lang.String")){ retm = this.setValue(retm, f.getName(), rs.getString(f.getName())); }else if(type.endsWith("int")){ retm = this.setValue(retm, f.getName(), rs.getInt(f.getName())); }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ retm = this.setValue(retm, f.getName(), rs.getFloat(f.getName())); }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ retm = this.setValue(retm, f.getName(), rs.getLong(f.getName())); } } return retm; } private M setValue(M m,String name,Object value){ Method ms [] = m.getClass().getMethods(); for(Method mth : ms){ if(mth.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("set"+name)){ try { mth.invoke(m, value); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; } } return m; } private boolean isAreaValue(Field fs2[] , String name){ for(Field f : fs2){ if(f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name+"2")){ return true; } } return false; } public void create(M m) { this.myExecuteUpdate(m, 1); } private String getTableName(M m){ String tempStr = m.getClass().getSimpleName(); tempStr = tempStr.substring(0,tempStr.length()-5); return tempStr; } protected String getCreateSql(M m){ //约定大于配置 Field fs[] = m.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for(Field f : fs){ if(!Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ buffer.append("?,"); } } String s = buffer.toString(); s = s.substring(0,s.length()-1); String sql = "insert into tbl_"+this.getTableName(m)+" values("+s+")"; return sql; } protected void setCreateValue(PreparedStatement pstmt,M m)throws SQLException{ Field fs[] = m.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); int count = 1; for(Field f : fs){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers())){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("java.lang.String")){ pstmt.setString(count,""+this.getValue(m, f.getName())); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("int")){ pstmt.setInt(count, Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ pstmt.setFloat(count, Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ pstmt.setLong(count, Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; } } } private Object getValue(M m,String name) { Object ret = null; Method ms[] = m.getClass().getMethods(); for(Method mth : ms){ if(mth.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("get"+name)){ try { ret = mth.invoke(m, new Object[]{}); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////// public void update(M m) { this.myExecuteUpdate(m, 2); } protected String getUpdateSql(M m){ Field fs[] = m.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("update tbl_"+this.getTableName(m)+" set "); for(Field f : fs){ if(!Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()) && !f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")){ buffer.append(f.getName()+"=?,"); } } String s = buffer.toString(); s = s.substring(0,s.length()-1); String sql = s + " where uuid=?"; return sql; } protected void setUpdateValue(PreparedStatement pstmt,M m)throws SQLException{ Field fs[] = m.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); int count = 1; for(Field f : fs){ if(Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()) || f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")){ continue; } String type = f.getType().toString(); if(type.endsWith("java.lang.String")){ pstmt.setString(count,""+this.getValue(m, f.getName())); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("int")){ pstmt.setInt(count, Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("float")){ pstmt.setFloat(count, Float.parseFloat(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; }else if(type.endsWith("long")){ pstmt.setLong(count, Long.parseLong(""+this.getValue(m, f.getName()))); count++; } } //设置uuid String v = ""+this.getValue(m, "uuid"); if(v!=null && v.trim().length()>0 && !v.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){ pstmt.setInt(count, Integer.parseInt(v)); }else{ pstmt.setInt(count, 0); } } ///////////////////////////////////// public void delete(M m) { this.myExecuteUpdate(m, 3); } protected String getDeleteSql(M m){ String sql = "delete from tbl_"+this.getTableName(m)+" where uuid=?"; return sql; } protected void setDeleteValue(PreparedStatement pstmt,M m)throws SQLException{ pstmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(""+this.getValue(m, "uuid"))); } //////////////////////////////// private void myExecuteUpdate(M m,int type) { Connection conn = null; try{ //1 conn = DbConn.getConn(); //2: String sql = ""; if(type==1){ sql = this.getCreateSql(m); }else if(type==2){ sql = this.getUpdateSql(m); }else if(type==3){ sql = this.getDeleteSql(m); } System.out.println("now myexecuteupdate sql=="+sql); //3: PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //4: if(type==1){ this.setCreateValue(pstmt, m); }else if(type==2){ this.setUpdateValue(pstmt, m); }else if(type==3){ this.setDeleteValue(pstmt, m); } //5: pstmt.executeUpdate(); //6: pstmt.close(); }catch(Exception err){ err.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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