/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package AngryBirdsApplication; import AngryBirdsCharacters.AngryBirdsBodyInfo; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.QueryCallback; import org.jbox2d.collision.AABB; import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.*; import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.*; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.*; /** * * @author Sumomoxiao */ enum QueueItemType { MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, KeyPressed, KeyReleased } class QueueItem { public QueueItemType type; public Vec2 p; public char c; public int code; public QueueItem(QueueItemType t, Vec2 pt) { type = t; p = pt; } } class FixtureQueryCallback implements QueryCallback { public final Vec2 point; public Fixture fixture; public FixtureQueryCallback() { point = new Vec2(); fixture = null; } /** * @see * org.jbox2d.callbacks.QueryCallback#reportFixture(org.jbox2d.dynamics.Fixture) */ public boolean reportFixture(Fixture argFixture) { Body body = argFixture.getBody(); if (body.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) { boolean inside = argFixture.testPoint(point); if (inside) { fixture = argFixture; return false; } } return true; } } public abstract class AngryBirdsArea { private MouseJoint mouseJoint; private Vec2 mouseWorld = new Vec2(); public final World sworld; private final Vec2 gravity; public Vec2 slingAnchor; public ArrayList<Body> birdlist; public ArrayList<Body> oblist; public ArrayList<Body> piglist, sling; public WeldJoint attach; public WeldJointDef attachDef; public Body ground; public float scale = 1 / 64f; float timeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; int velocityIterations = 6; int positionIterations = 2; public int birdbullets; private final LinkedList<QueueItem> inputQueue; public AngryBirdsArea() { gravity = new Vec2(0, -10f); inputQueue = new LinkedList<QueueItem>(); sworld = new World(gravity, true); birdlist = new ArrayList<Body>(); oblist = new ArrayList<Body>(); piglist = new ArrayList<Body>(); sling = new ArrayList<Body>(); slingAnchor = new Vec2(); } abstract public void initStage(); long endtime = 0; long duration = 0; //duration of release the bird; long descountdown = 0; public void step() { sworld.step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); if (mouseJoint == null && attach == null) { endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); duration = (endtime - releasetime) / 1000; } if (duration > 3 && attach == null) { if(birdbullets<=birdlist.size()) { birdlist.get(birdbullets).setTransform(slingAnchor, 0); attachDef.bodyB = birdlist.get(birdbullets); attach = (WeldJoint) this.getWorld().createJoint(attachDef); duration = 0; } } /* for(int i=0;i<birdlist.size();i++) { if(!birdlist.get(i).isAwake()) getWorld().destroyBody(birdlist.get(i)); birdlist.remove(i); } * */ } public ArrayList<Body> getBirds() { return birdlist; } public ArrayList<Body> getObstacles() { return oblist; } public ArrayList<Body> getPigs() { return piglist; } public World getWorld() { return sworld; } public Body getGround() { return ground; } public void setGravity(Vec2 gra) { sworld.setGravity(gra); } public boolean isMouseJointNull() { if(mouseJoint == null) return true; return false; } public void update() { if (!inputQueue.isEmpty()) { synchronized (inputQueue) { while (!inputQueue.isEmpty()) { QueueItem i = inputQueue.pop(); switch (i.type) { case MouseDown: mouseDown(i.p); break; case MouseMove: mouseMove(i.p); break; case MouseUp: mouseUp(i.p); break; } } } } step(); } /** * Called for mouse-up * * @param p */ long releasetime = 0; public void mouseUp(Vec2 p) { float length = 0; Vec2 pos = new Vec2(); pos = p.sub(slingAnchor); length = pos.length(); if (length > 3) { pos.x /= length / 3; pos.y /= length / 3; p = pos; } if (mouseJoint != null) { mouseJoint.m_bodyB.setFixedRotation(false); mouseJoint.m_bodyB.setLinearVelocity(pos.negate().mul(7.5f)); //release and shoot! sworld.destroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseJoint = null; if(birdbullets<birdlist.size()-1) birdbullets++; releasetime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /* * if (bombSpawning) { completeBombSpawn(p); } * */ } private final AABB queryAABB = new AABB(); private final FixtureQueryCallback callback = new FixtureQueryCallback(); /** * Called for mouse-down * * @param p */ public void mouseDown(Vec2 p) { mouseWorld.set(p); if (mouseJoint != null) { return; } queryAABB.lowerBound.set(p.x - .001f, p.y - .001f); queryAABB.upperBound.set(p.x + .001f, p.y + .001f); callback.point.set(p); callback.fixture = null; sworld.queryAABB(callback, queryAABB); if (callback.fixture != null && callback.fixture.m_filter.groupIndex == -1) { if (attach != null) { sworld.destroyJoint(attach); attach = null; } Body body = callback.fixture.getBody(); MouseJointDef def = new MouseJointDef(); def.bodyA = ground; def.bodyB = body; def.target.set(p); def.maxForce = 1000f * body.getMass(); body.setFixedRotation(true);//NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) sworld.createJoint(def); body.setAwake(true); } } /** * Process MouseEvent. * * @param p,length */ Vec2 length; public void mouseMove(Vec2 p) { mouseWorld.set(p); Vec2 force = p.sub(slingAnchor); float ol = force.length(); if (force.length() > 3f) { force.x /= ol / 3; force.y /= ol / 3; force.addLocal(slingAnchor); p = force; } if (mouseJoint != null) { mouseJoint.setTarget(p); } } public void queueMouseUp(Vec2 p) { synchronized (inputQueue) { inputQueue.addLast(new QueueItem(QueueItemType.MouseUp, p)); } } public void queueMouseDown(Vec2 p) { synchronized (inputQueue) { inputQueue.addLast(new QueueItem(QueueItemType.MouseDown, p)); } } public void queueMouseMove(Vec2 p) { synchronized (inputQueue) { inputQueue.addLast(new QueueItem(QueueItemType.MouseMove, p)); } } }
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