/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package AngryBirdsApplication; import AngryBirdsCharacters.AngryBirdsBodyInfo; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ContactImpulse; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ContactListener; import org.jbox2d.collision.Manifold; import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Body; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.World; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.contacts.Contact; /** * * @author Sumomoxiao */ public class AngryBirdsDraw { AngryBirdsPanel viewport; AngryBirdsArea stagetodraw; ArrayList<Body> birds; ArrayList<Body> pigs; ArrayList<Body> obstacles; LinkedList<Vec2> contactpoint; Body ground; AngryBirdsViewportTransform vpt; AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); ImageIcon grass = new ImageIcon("src/AngryBirdsImagePack/grass.png"); ImageIcon planet = new ImageIcon("src/AngryBirdsImagePack/planet.png"); ImageIcon sling = new ImageIcon("src/AngryBirdsImagePack/slingstick.png"); AngryBirdsDraw(AngryBirdsPanel v) { contactpoint = new LinkedList<Vec2>(); vpt = new AngryBirdsViewportTransform(v); viewport = v; } public void setStage(AngryBirdsArea s) { stagetodraw = s; birds = s.getBirds(); pigs = s.getPigs(); ground = s.getGround(); obstacles = s.getObstacles(); } public synchronized void drawStage() { if (viewport.render()) { drawBackground(); drawBirds(); drawPigs(); drawObstacles(); drawSling(); drawContact(); viewport.drawCursor(this.getGraphics()); viewport.paintscence(); } } AngryBirdsBodyInfo tempinfo; Body tempbody; Vec2 dpos = new Vec2(); Vec2 cpos = new Vec2(); float angle; int height, width; RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED); int translate = 0; private synchronized void drawSomething(ArrayList<Body> bodys) { Graphics2D pen = getGraphics(); pen.setRenderingHints(rh); if (bodys.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bodys.size(); i++) { if (bodys.get(i) != null) { tempbody = bodys.get(i); //if(tempbody.getContactList()!=null) { // System.out.print("the body "+tempbody.m_fixtureList.getFilterData().groupIndex+"is contacting "+tempbody.getContactList().other.m_fixtureList.m_filter.groupIndex+"\n"); // } /* * change coordinates to draw... */ angle = -tempbody.getAngle(); dpos = tempbody.getPosition().clone(); cpos = tempbody.getPosition().clone(); dpos.x = dpos.x - ((AngryBirdsBodyInfo) tempbody.getUserData()).getHafwidth(); dpos.y = dpos.y + ((AngryBirdsBodyInfo) tempbody.getUserData()).getHafheight(); this.getPosToDraw(dpos, dpos); this.getPosToDraw(cpos, cpos); tempinfo = (AngryBirdsBodyInfo) tempbody.getUserData(); height = (int) (tempinfo.getHafheight() * 2 * vpt.scale); width = (int) (tempinfo.getHafwidth() * 2 * vpt.scale); if (angle != 0) { this.getTransPos(angle, cpos); } pen.setTransform(transform); pen.drawImage(tempinfo.getAppearance(), (int) dpos.x, (int) dpos.y, width, height, null); //clear Transform,preparing to draw next . transform.setToIdentity(); pen.setTransform(transform); } } } } private void drawPigs() { if (ableToDraw() == false) { return; } drawSomething(pigs); } private void drawBirds() { if (ableToDraw() == false) { return; } drawSomething(birds); } private void drawObstacles() { if (ableToDraw() == false) { return; } drawSomething(obstacles); } Vec2 slingAnchor1 = new Vec2(), slingAnchor2 = new Vec2(); Vec2 slingpos = new Vec2(); int swidth, sheight; private void drawSling() { swidth = (int) (30 * vpt.scale / 18f); sheight = (int) (115 * vpt.scale / 18f); Stroke rubberStroke = new BasicStroke(4.0f * vpt.scale / 18f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); Graphics2D pen = getGraphics(); pen.setStroke(rubberStroke); pen.setColor(new Color(48, 23, 8)); slingAnchor1 = stagetodraw.getBirds().get(stagetodraw.birdbullets).getPosition().clone(); slingpos = stagetodraw.slingAnchor.clone(); slingpos.y += 0.5; slingpos.x -= 0.5f; getPosToDraw(slingAnchor1, slingAnchor1); //getPosToDraw(slingAnchor2, slingAnchor2); getPosToDraw(slingpos, slingpos); if (!stagetodraw.isMouseJointNull()) { pen.drawLine((int) slingAnchor1.x, (int) slingAnchor1.y, (int) (slingpos.x + 16 * vpt.scale / 18f), (int) (slingpos.y + 12 * vpt.scale / 18f)); pen.drawLine((int) slingAnchor1.x, (int) slingAnchor1.y, (int) (slingpos.x), (int) (slingpos.y + 12 * vpt.scale / 18f)); } pen.drawImage(sling.getImage(), (int) slingpos.x - 5, (int) slingpos.y - 10, swidth, sheight, null); } Vec2 temp = new Vec2(); public void drawContact( ) { if(this.getGraphics()!= null&& !contactpoint.isEmpty()) { temp = contactpoint.pop(); System.out.print("Contact point have " + contactpoint.size()+"\n"); Graphics2D pen = this.getGraphics(); System.out.print("contact is at "+temp.x+"\n"); pen.drawString("Now You Are Seeing the Contact", 300,200); } } public void pushContactPoint(Vec2 cp) { Vec2 tempcp = new Vec2(); this.getPosToDraw(cp, tempcp); contactpoint.push(tempcp); } Vec2 gpos = new Vec2(); float grasswidth; float grassheight; float planetwidth, planetheight; int groundwidth, groundheight, grassx, planetx; private void drawBackground() { if (ableToDraw() == false) { return; } Graphics2D pen = getGraphics(); pen.setRenderingHints(rh); gpos = ground.getPosition().clone(); gpos.x = gpos.x - 32.0f; gpos.y = gpos.y + 0.5f; this.getPosToDraw(gpos, gpos); grasswidth = grass.getImage().getWidth(null) + (vpt.scale - 18f) * 2; grassheight = grasswidth * (34 / 334f); planetwidth = (int) (planet.getImage().getWidth(null) + (vpt.scale - 18f) * 2); planetheight = planetwidth * (56 / 348f); groundwidth = (int) ((((AngryBirdsBodyInfo) ground.getUserData()).getAppearance().getWidth(null) + (vpt.scale - 18f) * 5) / 1.6f); groundheight = (int) (groundwidth * (190 / 334f)); grassx = (int) gpos.x; planetx = (int) gpos.x; for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { pen.drawImage(planet.getImage(), (int) planetx, (int) gpos.y - planet.getImage().getHeight(null) + 2, (int) planetwidth, (int) planetheight, null); planetx += planetwidth; } for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { pen.drawImage(((AngryBirdsBodyInfo) ground.getUserData()).getAppearance(), (int) gpos.x, (int) gpos.y, groundwidth, groundheight, null); pen.drawImage(grass.getImage(), (int) grassx, (int) gpos.y - grass.getImage().getHeight(null) + 2, (int) grasswidth, (int) grassheight, null); gpos.x += groundwidth; grassx += grasswidth; } } public boolean ableToDraw() { if (stagetodraw != null) { return true; } System.out.print("cant draw \n"); return false; } public Graphics2D getGraphics() { return viewport.getDBDraw(); } public void getPosToDraw(Vec2 world, Vec2 out) { Vec2 tempworld = world.clone(); vpt.getWorldtoScreen(tempworld, out); } public AffineTransform getTransPos(float angel, Vec2 anchorpoint) { return vpt.rotatePoint(transform, angle, anchorpoint); } public void getScreenToWorldToOut(Vec2 pos, Vec2 out) { vpt.getScreentoWorld(pos, out); } }
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