package com.dao; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.entity.Goods; import com.entity.SmallClass; import com.util.DBUtil; public class GoodsDao { /** * 添加商品信息 * @param good * @return k */ public static int add(Goods good){ String sql="insert into goods(g_name,gb_id,gs_id,g_bpic,g_bpic1,g_bpic2,g_spic1,"+ "g_spic2,g_desc,g_carry,g_count,g_price,g_dis,g_type) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; Object obj[]={good.getG_name(),good.getGb_id(),good.getGs_id(),good.getG_bpic(),good.getG_bpic1(), good.getG_bpic2(),good.getG_spic1(),good.getG_spic2(),good.getG_desc(),good.getG_carry(), good.getG_count(),good.getG_price(),good.getG_dis(),good.getG_type()}; int k=DBUtil.Update(sql, obj); return k; } /** * 修改商品信息 * @param good * @return k */ public static int update(Goods good,String g_id){ String sql="update goods set g_name=?,gb_id=?,gs_id=?,g_bpic=?,g_bpic1=?,g_bpic2=?,g_spic1=?,"+ "g_spic2=?,g_desc=?,g_carry=?,g_count=?,g_price=?,g_dis=?,g_type=? where g_id=?"; Object obj[]={good.getG_name(),good.getGb_id(),good.getGs_id(),good.getG_bpic(),good.getG_bpic1(), good.getG_bpic2(),good.getG_spic1(),good.getG_spic2(),good.getG_desc(),good.getG_carry(), good.getG_count(),good.getG_price(),good.getG_dis(),good.getG_type(),g_id}; int k=DBUtil.Update(sql, obj); return k; } /** * 删除商品信息 * @param good * @return k */ public static int delete(String g_id){ String sql="delete from goods where g_id=?"; Object obj[]={g_id}; int k=DBUtil.Update(sql, obj); return k; } /** * 查询商品信息总数 * @return count */ public static int queryCount(){ int count=0; String sql="select count(*) from goods"; Object obj[]={}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { if ( { count=res.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return count; } /** * 分页查询商品信息的编号、商品名称、价格、折扣、库存、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @return */ public static List<Goods> queryAll(Integer pageStart,Integer pageSize){ String sql="select * from goods limit ?,?"; Object obj[]={pageStart,pageSize}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(res.getInt(1), res.getString(2), res.getString(5),res.getDouble(11), res.getInt(12), res.getDouble(13), res.getDouble(14)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 查询商品名称、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @return */ public static List<Goods> queryAll(){ String sql="select g_id,g_name,g_bpic from goods limit 0,9"; Object obj[]={}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(); good.setG_id(res.getInt(1)); good.setG_name(res.getString(2)); good.setG_bpic(res.getString(3)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 查询g_type为最新的商品名称、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @return */ public static List<Goods> queryType(){ String sql="select g_id,g_name,g_bpic from goods where g_type='新品'"; Object obj[]={}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(); good.setG_id(res.getInt(1)); good.setG_name(res.getString(2)); good.setG_bpic(res.getString(3)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 模糊查询商品信息总数 * @return count */ public static int queryCount(String serch){ int count=0; String sql="select count(*) from goods where g_name like ?"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%"}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { if ( { count=res.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return count; } /** * 模糊分页查询商品信息的编号、商品名称、价格、折扣、库存、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @param serch * @return */ public static List<Goods> queryGoods(Integer pageStart,Integer pageSize,String serch){ String sql="select * from goods where g_name like ? limit ?,?"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%",pageStart,pageSize}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(res.getInt(1), res.getString(2), res.getString(5),res.getDouble(11), res.getInt(12), res.getDouble(13), res.getDouble(14)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 根据编号查询所有的商品信息 * @return */ public static List<Goods> queryAll(String g_id){ String sql="select g_name,b_name,s_name,g_bpic,g_bpic1,g_bpic2,g_spic1,g_spic2," + "g_desc,g_carry,g_count,g_price,g_dis,g_type,g_id from goods,bigclass," + "smallclass where b_id=(select gb_id from goods where g_id=?) and " + "s_id=(select gs_id from goods where g_id=?) and g_id=?"; Object obj[]={g_id,g_id,g_id}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { if({ Goods good=new Goods(res.getString(1),res.getString(2),res.getString(3),res.getString(4), res.getString(5), res.getString(6),res.getString(7),res.getString(8),res.getString(9),res.getDouble(10), res.getInt(11),res.getDouble(12),res.getDouble(13),res.getString(14),res.getInt(15)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 根据小分类模糊查询商品信息的编号 * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @param serch * @return */ public static List<SmallClass> serchSmall(String serch){ String sql="select s_id from smallclass where s_name like ?"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%"}; List<SmallClass> list=new ArrayList<SmallClass>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { int t=0; while({ t=1; SmallClass sm=new SmallClass(); sm.setS_id(res.getInt(1)); list.add(sm); } if (t==0) { SmallClass sm=new SmallClass(); sm.setS_id(-1); list.add(sm); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 根据小分类模糊分页查询商品信息的编号、商品名称、价格、折扣、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @param serch * @return */ public static List<Goods> serchGoods(Integer pageStart,Integer pageSize,String serch){ List<SmallClass> li=serchSmall(serch); List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); for (SmallClass sm : li) { String sql="select distinct g_id,g_name,g_price,g_dis,g_bpic from goods where g_name like ? or gs_id=? limit ?,?"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%",sm.getS_id(),pageStart,pageSize}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(); good.setG_id(res.getInt(1)); good.setG_name(res.getString(2)); good.setG_price(res.getDouble(3)); good.setG_dis(res.getDouble(4)); good.setG_bpic(res.getString(5)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } } return list; } /** * 根据小分类模糊搜索商品信息总数 * @return count */ public static int serchCount(String serch){ int count=0; String sql="select distinct count(g_id) from goods where g_name like ? or gs_id=(select s_id from smallclass where s_name like ?)"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%","%"+serch+"%"}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { if ( { count=res.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return count; } /** * 模糊分页查询所属大分类商品信息的编号、商品名称、价格、折扣、图片展示gb_pic * @param pageStart * @param pageSize * @param serch * @return */ public static List<Goods> serchBigGoods(Integer pageStart,Integer pageSize,String serch){ String sql="select distinct g_id,g_name,g_price,g_dis,g_bpic from goods where gb_id=(select b_id from bigclass where b_name like ?) limit ?,?"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%",pageStart,pageSize}; List<Goods> list=new ArrayList<Goods>(); ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { while({ Goods good=new Goods(); good.setG_id(res.getInt(1)); good.setG_name(res.getString(2)); good.setG_price(res.getDouble(3)); good.setG_dis(res.getDouble(4)); good.setG_bpic(res.getString(5)); list.add(good); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return list; } /** * 模糊搜索所属大分类商品信息总数 * @return count */ public static int serchBigCount(String serch){ int count=0; String sql="select distinct count(g_id) from goods where gb_id=(select b_id from bigclass where b_name like ?)"; Object obj[]={"%"+serch+"%"}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); try { if ( { count=res.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return count; } /** * 查询商品编号为ID的库存 * @return count */ public static int buyCount(String i_id){ String sql="select g_count from goods where g_id=(select ig_id from indent where i_id=?)"; Object obj[]={i_id}; ResultSet res=DBUtil.query(sql, obj); int count=0; try { if ( { count=res.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ DBUtil.close(); } return count; } }
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