package com.duplicall.export.client; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager; import com.duplicall.export.dao.SelectTarget; import com.duplicall.export.dao.SelectUsers; import com.duplicall.export.util.CopyDir; import com.duplicall.export.util.CopyDirFile; import com.duplicall.export.util.DelFile; import com.duplicall.export.util.XmlUtil; import com.duplicall.export.util.ZipCompressing; public class Export { protected Shell shell; private Text text; public static String chushixml; public static String sourceFilePath; public static String Clogs; public static String fileDSTPathdcloge; public static String fileDSTPathdcconf; public static String fileShanChuDeploy; public static String fileShanChuLog; public static String fileDSTPathLog; public static String fileDSTPathTomcatConf; public static String datafilePath; /** * Launch the application. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { Export window = new Export();; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Open the window. */ public void open() { Display display = Display.getDefault(); createContents();; shell.layout(); while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) { display.sleep(); } } } /** * Create contents of the window. */ protected void createContents() { shell = new Shell(SWT.MIN); shell.setSize(283, 342); shell.setText("备份工具"); shell.setLocation(Display.getCurrent().getClientArea().width / 2 - shell.getShell().getSize().x / 2, Display.getCurrent().getClientArea().height / 2 - shell.getSize().y / 2); Button button_shuju = new Button(shell, SWT.RADIO); button_shuju.setBounds(43, 127, 97, 17); button_shuju.setText("数据文件"); Button button_peizhi = new Button(shell, SWT.RADIO); button_peizhi.setText("配置文件"); button_peizhi.setBounds(43, 175, 97, 17); Button button_rizhi = new Button(shell, SWT.RADIO); button_rizhi.setText("日志文件"); button_rizhi.setBounds(146, 127, 97, 17); Button button_all = new Button(shell, SWT.RADIO); button_all.setTextDirection(33554400); button_all.setText("所有文件"); button_all.setBounds(146, 175, 97, 17); text = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER); text.setBounds(33, 70, 133, 23); Button button_wenjian = new Button(shell, SWT.NONE); button_wenjian.setBounds(176, 68, 59, 27); button_wenjian.setText("浏览"); button_wenjian.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { JFileChooser jfile = new JFileChooser(); if (e.getSource().equals(button_wenjian)) {// 判断触发方法的按钮是哪个 jfile.setFileSelectionMode(1);// 设定只能选择到文件夹 int state = jfile.showOpenDialog(null);// 此句是打开文件选择器界面的触发语句 if (state == 1) { return; } else { File f = jfile.getSelectedFile();// f为选择到的目录 text.setText(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }); Button button_export = new Button(shell, SWT.NONE); button_export.setForeground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(0, 0, 0)); button_export.setBounds(79, 230, 75, 41); button_export.setText("导出"); button_export.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { if (button_shuju.getSelection()) { try { funDatas(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (button_all.getSelection()) { try { funAlls(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (button_rizhi.getSelection()) { try { funLogs(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (button_peizhi.getSelection()) { try { funDeploys(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请先选择文件类型", "提示", (int) JOptionPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); } } }); } public void funJudgmentSystem() { String dupliCallFileLocation = null; String duplicallXml = "\\a.xml"; String osName = System.getProperty(""); if (osName.startsWith("Windows") || osName.startsWith("windows")) {// 判断当前系统 String osRoot = System.getenv("SystemRoot"); dupliCallFileLocation = osRoot + duplicallXml; } else { dupliCallFileLocation = "/etc" + duplicallXml; } XmlUtil xmlUtilcommon = new XmlUtil(); try { xmlUtilcommon.readFile(dupliCallFileLocation); } catch (DocumentException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { chushixml = xmlUtilcommon.getText("//common/installdir"); sourceFilePath = chushixml + "dclog.xml";// duplicall路径下的dclog.xml xmlUtilcommon.readFile(sourceFilePath);// 读取 dclog.xml Clogs = xmlUtilcommon.getText("//common/logpath");// C:/log下的日志 } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // 配置复制文件 public void funDeployCopys() throws Exception { funJudgmentSystem(); String sourceFilePathdcloge = chushixml;// dcloge下的txt和xml文件 String sourceFilePathconf = chushixml + "web\\conf";// conf下的配置文件 if (sourceFilePathdcloge.isEmpty() || sourceFilePathconf.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请检查配置文件路径或当前路径下文件夹是否存在!", "提示", (int) JOptionPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); return; } fileDSTPathdcloge = text.getText().trim() + "\\Dcloge";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 fileDSTPathdcconf = text.getText().trim() + "\\Conf";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathdcloge, fileDSTPathdcloge);// 复制文件到待删除文件夹 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathconf, fileDSTPathdcconf); fileShanChuDeploy = text.getText().trim() + "\\DclogDeploy";// --------------- String url2 = text.getText().trim() + "/DclogDeploy/dcloge/"; (new File(url2)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] file = (new File(fileDSTPathdcloge)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) { if (file[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(file[i], new File(url2 + file[i].getName())); } if (file[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = fileDSTPathdcloge + File.separator + file[i].getName(); String targetDir = url2 + File.separator + file[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String url3 = text.getText().trim() + "/DclogDeploy/conf/"; (new File(url3)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] filelog = (new File(sourceFilePathconf)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelog.length; i++) { if (filelog[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(filelog[i], new File(url3 + filelog[i].getName())); } if (filelog[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathconf + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); String targetDir = url3 + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } } // 配置删除配置临时存储文件夹 public void fundelDeploy() { String dir = fileDSTPathdcloge, dirT = fileDSTPathdcconf; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT);// 删除打包之前文件夹 // DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirShan);// 删除打包之前文件夹 } // 配置压缩文件 public void funDeployZips() { String fileDSTPathT = text.getText().trim();// 任意选定路径 String String zipPath = fileDSTPathT + "/";// 创建打包zip文件, new File(fileShanChuDeploy)); // String dir = fileDSTPathdcloge, dirT = fileDSTPathdcconf, dirShan = fileShanChuDeploy; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirShan);// 删除打包之前文件夹 } // 配置 public void funDeploys() throws Exception { funJudgmentSystem(); funDeployCopys(); funDeployZips(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // 日志 public void funLogs() throws Exception { funJudgmentSystem(); funLogCopys(); funLogZips(); } // 复制日志文件 public void funLogCopys() throws Exception { String sourceFilePathTomcat = chushixml + "web\\tomcat\\logs";// tomcat下的日志 String sourceFilePathCLog = Clogs; System.out.println(sourceFilePathTomcat + ":路径sourceFilePathTomcat==========!============");// ---- System.out.println(Clogs + ":Clogs------"); fileDSTPathLog = text.getText().trim() + "\\Log";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 fileDSTPathTomcatConf = text.getText().trim() + "\\TomcatConf";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathCLog, fileDSTPathLog);// 复制文件到待删除文件夹 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathTomcat, fileDSTPathTomcatConf); fileShanChuLog = text.getText().trim() + "\\DclogLogs";// --------------- String url2 = text.getText().trim() + "/DclogLogs/Clog/"; (new File(url2)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] file = (new File(sourceFilePathCLog)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) { if (file[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(file[i], new File(url2 + file[i].getName())); } if (file[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathCLog + File.separator + file[i].getName(); String targetDir = url2 + File.separator + file[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String url3 = text.getText().trim() + "/DclogLogs/Tomcatconf/"; (new File(url3)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] filelog = (new File(sourceFilePathTomcat)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelog.length; i++) { if (filelog[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(filelog[i], new File(url3 + filelog[i].getName())); } if (filelog[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathTomcat + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); String targetDir = url3 + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } } // 压缩日志文件 public void funLogZips() { String fileDSTPathT = text.getText().trim();// 任意选定路径 String String zipPath = fileDSTPathT + "/";// 创建打包zip文件, new File(fileShanChuLog)); // String dir = fileDSTPathLog, dirT = fileDSTPathTomcatConf, dirShan = fileShanChuLog; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirShan);// 删除打包之前文件夹 } // 删除日志临时文件路径 public void funLogDels() { String dir = fileDSTPathLog, dirT = fileDSTPathTomcatConf; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT);// 删除打包之前文件夹 // DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirShan);// 删除打包之前文件夹 } // 数据 public void funDatas() throws Exception { funDataCopy(); funDataZip(); // funDataDel(); } public void funDataCopy() throws Exception { String str = text.getText().trim(); String filePathTarget = text.getText().trim() + "\\Target.txt"; System.out.println(filePathTarget + "::::"); String filePathUsers = text.getText().trim() + "\\Users.txt";;; /* * if (filePathTarget.isEmpty() || filePathUsers.isEmpty()) { * JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请先检查数据库连接", "提示", (int) * JOptionPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); return; } */ datafilePath = text.getText().trim() + "\\Datas"; File folder = new File(datafilePath);// 创建一个待删除文件夹 if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); /// 如果不存在,创建目录 System.err.println("创建完毕"); } System.out.println("-----继续执行"); CopyDirFile.copyFileData(str, datafilePath); } public void funDataZip() { String fileDSTPathT = text.getText().trim();// 选定路径 String zipPath = text.getText().trim() + "/";, new File(datafilePath));// 打包zip String dir = datafilePath; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 // DelFile.deleteDirectory(zipPath); File file = new File(fileDSTPathT);// 抓到选定路径,删除当前生成文件 File temp = null; File[] filelist = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { temp = filelist[i]; // 防止误删除其他文件 if (temp.getName().endsWith("Target.txt") || temp.getName().endsWith("Users.txt"))// { temp.delete();// 删除文件} System.out.println("删除成功"); } } } public void funDataDel() { String fileDSTPathT = text.getText().trim();// 选定路径 // String dir = datafilePath; // DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 File file = new File(fileDSTPathT);// 抓到选定路径,删除当前生成文件 File temp = null; File[] filelist = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { temp = filelist[i]; // 防止误删除其他文件 if (temp.getName().endsWith("Target.txt") || temp.getName().endsWith("Users.txt"))// { temp.delete();// 删除文件} System.out.println("删除成功"); } } } public void funAlls() throws Exception { funJudgmentSystem(); /* * funDataCopy(); funDataDel(); * * funLogCopys(); funLogDels(); * * funDeployCopys(); fundelDeploy(); */ // ---------------------------数据----------------------------- String str = text.getText().trim(); String filePathTarget = text.getText().trim() + "\\Target.txt"; System.out.println(filePathTarget + "::::"); String filePathUsers = text.getText().trim() + "\\Users.txt";;; /* * if (filePathTarget.isEmpty() || filePathUsers.isEmpty()) { * JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请先检查数据库连接", "提示", (int) * JOptionPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); return; } */ datafilePath = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls\\Datas"; File folder = new File(datafilePath);// 创建一个待删除文件夹 if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); /// 如果不存在,创建目录 System.err.println("创建完毕"); } System.out.println("-----继续执行"); CopyDirFile.copyFileData(str, datafilePath); String fileDSTPathT = text.getText().trim();// 选定路径 // String dir = datafilePath; // DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir);// 删除打包之前文件夹 File file = new File(fileDSTPathT);// 抓到选定路径,删除当前生成文件 File temp = null; File[] filelist = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { temp = filelist[i]; // 防止误删除其他文件 if (temp.getName().endsWith("Target.txt") || temp.getName().endsWith("Users.txt"))// { temp.delete();// 删除文件} System.out.println("删除成功"); } } // --------------------------------日志---------------------- String sourceFilePathTomcat = chushixml + "web\\tomcat\\logs";// tomcat下的日志 String sourceFilePathCLog = Clogs; System.out.println(sourceFilePathTomcat + ":路径sourceFilePathTomcat==========!============");// ---- System.out.println(Clogs + ":Clogs------"); fileDSTPathLog = text.getText().trim() + "\\Log";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 fileDSTPathTomcatConf = text.getText().trim() + "\\TomcatConf";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathCLog, fileDSTPathLog);// 复制文件到待删除文件夹 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathTomcat, fileDSTPathTomcatConf); fileShanChuLog = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls\\DclogLogs";// --------------- String url2 = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls/DclogLogs/Clog/"; (new File(url2)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] filelog = (new File(sourceFilePathCLog)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelog.length; i++) { if (filelog[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(filelog[i], new File(url2 + filelog[i].getName())); } if (filelog[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathCLog + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); String targetDir = url2 + File.separator + filelog[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String url3 = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls/DclogLogs/Tomcatconf/"; (new File(url3)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] filelogTomConf = (new File(sourceFilePathTomcat)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filelogTomConf.length; i++) { if (filelogTomConf[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(filelogTomConf[i], new File(url3 + filelogTomConf[i].getName())); } if (filelogTomConf[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathTomcat + File.separator + filelogTomConf[i].getName(); String targetDir = url3 + File.separator + filelogTomConf[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String dir1 = fileDSTPathLog, dirT = fileDSTPathTomcatConf; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir1);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT);// 删除打包之前文件夹 // 0----------------------------------配置------------------------------ String sourceFilePathdcloge = chushixml;// dcloge下的txt和xml文件 String sourceFilePathconf = chushixml + "web\\conf";// conf下的配置文件 if (sourceFilePathdcloge.isEmpty() || sourceFilePathconf.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请检查配置文件路径或当前路径下文件夹是否存在!", "提示", (int) JOptionPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); return; } String fileDSTPathdcloge = text.getText().trim() + "\\Dcloge";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 String fileDSTPathdcconf = text.getText().trim() + "\\Conf";// 待删除选定(任意)路径下的文件 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathdcloge, fileDSTPathdcloge);// 复制文件到待删除文件夹 CopyDirFile.copyFile(sourceFilePathconf, fileDSTPathdcconf); String url21 = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls/DclogDeploy/dcloge/"; (new File(url21)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] file1 = (new File(fileDSTPathdcloge)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < file1.length; i++) { if (file1[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(file1[i], new File(url21 + file1[i].getName())); } if (file1[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = fileDSTPathdcloge + File.separator + file1[i].getName(); String targetDir = url21 + File.separator + file1[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String url31 = text.getText().trim() + "/Alls/DclogDeploy/conf/"; (new File(url31)).mkdirs(); // 获取源文件夹当前下的文件或目录 File[] file11 = (new File(sourceFilePathconf)).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < file11.length; i++) { if (file11[i].isFile()) { // 复制文件 CopyDir.copyFile(file11[i], new File(url31 + file11[i].getName())); } if (file11[i].isDirectory()) { // 复制目录 String sorceDir = sourceFilePathconf + File.separator + file11[i].getName(); String targetDir = url31 + File.separator + file11[i].getName(); CopyDir.copyDirectiory(sorceDir, targetDir); } } String dir11 = fileDSTPathdcloge, dirT1 = fileDSTPathdcconf; DelFile.deleteDirectory(dir11);// 删除打包之前文件夹 DelFile.deleteDirectory(dirT1);// 删除打包之前文件夹 String Alls = text.getText().trim() + "\\Alls"; String zippath = fileDSTPathT + "/";, new File(Alls)); DelFile.deleteDirectory(Alls); } }
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