/* ** Copyright 2005 Huxtable.com. All rights reserved. */ package filter; /** * A class containing static math methods useful for image processing. */ public class ImageMath { public final static float PI = (float)Math.PI; public final static float HALF_PI = (float)Math.PI/2.0f; public final static float QUARTER_PI = (float)Math.PI/4.0f; public final static float TWO_PI = (float)Math.PI*2.0f; /** * Apply a bias to a number in the unit interval, moving numbers towards 0 or 1 * according to the bias parameter. * @param a the number to bias * @param b the bias parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values bias towards 0, larger towards 1. * @return the output value */ public static float bias(float a, float b) { // return (float)Math.pow(a, Math.log(b) / Math.log(0.5)); return a/((1.0f/b-2)*(1.0f-a)+1); } /** * A variant of the gamma function. * @param a the number to apply gain to * @param b the gain parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values reduce gain, larger values increase gain. * @return the output value */ public static float gain(float a, float b) { /* float p = (float)Math.log(1.0 - b) / (float)Math.log(0.5); if (a < .001) return 0.0f; else if (a > .999) return 1.0f; if (a < 0.5) return (float)Math.pow(2 * a, p) / 2; else return 1.0f - (float)Math.pow(2 * (1. - a), p) / 2; */ float c = (1.0f/b-2.0f) * (1.0f-2.0f*a); if (a < 0.5) return a/(c+1.0f); else return (c-a)/(c-1.0f); } /** * The step function. Returns 0 below a threshold, 1 above. * @param a the threshold position * @param x the input parameter * @return the output value - 0 or 1 */ public static float step(float a, float x) { return (x < a) ? 0.0f : 1.0f; } /** * The pulse function. Returns 1 between two thresholds, 0 outside. * @param a the lower threshold position * @param b the upper threshold position * @param x the input parameter * @return the output value - 0 or 1 */ public static float pulse(float a, float b, float x) { return (x < a || x >= b) ? 0.0f : 1.0f; } /** * A smoothed pulse function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds. * @param a1 the lower threshold position for the start of the pulse * @param a2 the upper threshold position for the start of the pulse * @param b1 the lower threshold position for the end of the pulse * @param b2 the upper threshold position for the end of the pulse * @param x the input parameter * @return the output value */ public static float smoothPulse(float a1, float a2, float b1, float b2, float x) { if (x < a1 || x >= b2) return 0; if (x >= a2) { if (x < b1) return 1.0f; x = (x - b1) / (b2 - b1); return 1.0f - (x*x * (3.0f - 2.0f*x)); } x = (x - a1) / (a2 - a1); return x*x * (3.0f - 2.0f*x); } /** * A smoothed step function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds. * @param a the lower threshold position * @param b the upper threshold position * @param x the input parameter * @return the output value */ public static float smoothStep(float a, float b, float x) { if (x < a) return 0; if (x >= b) return 1; x = (x - a) / (b - a); return x*x * (3 - 2*x); } /** * A "circle up" function. Returns y on a unit circle given 1-x. Useful for forming bevels. * @param x the input parameter in the range 0..1 * @return the output value */ public static float circleUp(float x) { x = 1-x; return (float)Math.sqrt(1-x*x); } /** * A "circle down" function. Returns 1-y on a unit circle given x. Useful for forming bevels. * @param x the input parameter in the range 0..1 * @return the output value */ public static float circleDown(float x) { return 1.0f-(float)Math.sqrt(1-x*x); } /** * Clamp a value to an interval. * @param a the lower clamp threshold * @param b the upper clamp threshold * @param x the input parameter * @return the clamped value */ public static float clamp(float x, float a, float b) { return (x < a) ? a : (x > b) ? b : x; } /** * Clamp a value to an interval. * @param a the lower clamp threshold * @param b the upper clamp threshold * @param x the input parameter * @return the clamped value */ public static int clamp(int x, int a, int b) { return (x < a) ? a : (x > b) ? b : x; } /** * Return a mod b. This differs from the % operator with respect to negative numbers. * @param a the dividend * @param b the divisor * @return a mod b */ public static double mod(double a, double b) { int n = (int)(a/b); a -= n*b; if (a < 0) return a + b; return a; } /** * Return a mod b. This differs from the % operator with respect to negative numbers. * @param a the dividend * @param b the divisor * @return a mod b */ public static float mod(float a, float b) { int n = (int)(a/b); a -= n*b; if (a < 0) return a + b; return a; } /** * Return a mod b. This differs from the % operator with respect to negative numbers. * @param a the dividend * @param b the divisor * @return a mod b */ public static int mod(int a, int b) { int n = a/b; a -= n*b; if (a < 0) return a + b; return a; } /** * The triangle function. Returns a repeating triangle shape in the range 0..1 with wavelength 1.0 * @param x the input parameter * @return the output value */ public static float triangle(float x) { float r = mod(x, 1.0f); return 2.0f*(r < 0.5 ? r : 1-r); } /** * Linear interpolation. * @param t the interpolation parameter * @param a the lower interpolation range * @param b the upper interpolation range * @return the interpolated value */ public static float lerp(float t, float a, float b) { return a + t * (b - a); } /** * Linear interpolation. * @param t the interpolation parameter * @param a the lower interpolation range * @param b the upper interpolation range * @return the interpolated value */ public static int lerp(float t, int a, int b) { return (int)(a + t * (b - a)); } /** * Linear interpolation of ARGB values. * @param t the interpolation parameter * @param rgb1 the lower interpolation range * @param rgb2 the upper interpolation range * @return the interpolated value */ public static int mixColors(float t, int rgb1, int rgb2) { int a1 = (rgb1 >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = rgb1 & 0xff; int a2 = (rgb2 >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (rgb2 >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (rgb2 >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = rgb2 & 0xff; a1 = lerp(t, a1, a2); r1 = lerp(t, r1, r2); g1 = lerp(t, g1, g2); b1 = lerp(t, b1, b2); return (a1 << 24) | (r1 << 16) | (g1 << 8) | b1; } /** * Bilinear interpolation of ARGB values. * @param x the X interpolation parameter 0..1 * @param y the y interpolation parameter 0..1 * @param rgb array of four ARGB values in the order NW, NE, SW, SE * @return the interpolated value */ public static int bilinearInterpolate(float x, float y, int[] p) { float m0, m1; int a0 = (p[0] >> 24) & 0xff; int r0 = (p[0] >> 16) & 0xff; int g0 = (p[0] >> 8) & 0xff; int b0 = p[0] & 0xff; int a1 = (p[1] >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (p[1] >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (p[1] >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = p[1] & 0xff; int a2 = (p[2] >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (p[2] >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (p[2] >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = p[2] & 0xff; int a3 = (p[3] >> 24) & 0xff; int r3 = (p[3] >> 16) & 0xff; int g3 = (p[3] >> 8) & 0xff; int b3 = p[3] & 0xff; float cx = 1.0f-x; float cy = 1.0f-y; m0 = cx * a0 + x * a1; m1 = cx * a2 + x * a3; int a = (int)(cy * m0 + y * m1); m0 = cx * r0 + x * r1; m1 = cx * r2 + x * r3; int r = (int)(cy * m0 + y * m1); m0 = cx * g0 + x * g1; m1 = cx * g2 + x * g3; int g = (int)(cy * m0 + y * m1); m0 = cx * b0 + x * b1; m1 = cx * b2 + x * b3; int b = (int)(cy * m0 + y * m1); return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } /** * Return the NTSC gray level of an RGB value. * @param rgb1 the input pixel * @return the gray level (0-255) */ public static int brightnessNTSC(int rgb) { int r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; int b = rgb & 0xff; return (int)(r*0.299f + g*0.587f + b*0.114f); } // Catmull-Rom splines private final static float m00 = -0.5f; private final static float m01 = 1.5f; private final static float m02 = -1.5f; private final static float m03 = 0.5f; private final static float m10 = 1.0f; private final static float m11 = -2.5f; private final static float m12 = 2.0f; private final static float m13 = -0.5f; private final static float m20 = -0.5f; private final static float m21 = 0.0f; private final static float m22 = 0.5f; private final static float m23 = 0.0f; private final static float m30 = 0.0f; private final static float m31 = 1.0f; private final static float m32 = 0.0f; private final static float m33 = 0.0f; /** * Compute a Catmull-Rom spline. * @param x the input parameter * @param numKnots the number of knots in the spline * @param knots the array of knots * @return the spline value */ public static float spline(float x, int numKnots, float[] knots) { int span; int numSpans = numKnots - 3; float k0, k1, k2, k3; float c0, c1, c2, c3; if (numSpans < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few knots in spline"); x = clamp(x, 0, 1) * numSpans; span = (int)x; if (span > numKnots-4) span = numKnots-4; x -= span; k0 = knots[span]; k1 = knots[span+1]; k2 = knots[span+2]; k3 = knots[span+3]; c3 = m00*k0 + m01*k1 + m02*k2 + m03*k3; c2 = m10*k0 + m11*k1 + m12*k2 + m13*k3; c1 = m20*k0 + m21*k1 + m22*k2 + m23*k3; c0 = m30*k0 + m31*k1 + m32*k2 + m33*k3; return ((c3*x + c2)*x + c1)*x + c0; } /** * Compute a Catmull-Rom spline, but with variable knot spacing. * @param x the input parameter * @param numKnots the number of knots in the spline * @param xknots the array of knot x values * @param yknots the array of knot y values * @return the spline value */ public static float spline(float x, int numKnots, int[] xknots, int[] yknots) { int span; int numSpans = numKnots - 3; float k0, k1, k2, k3; float c0, c1, c2, c3; if (numSpans < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few knots in spline"); for (span = 0; span < numSpans; span++) if (xknots[span+1] > x) break; if (span > numKnots-3) span = numKnots-3; float t = (float)(x-xknots[span]) / (xknots[span+1]-xknots[span]); span--; if (span < 0) { span = 0; t = 0; } k0 = yknots[span]; k1 = yknots[span+1]; k2 = yknots[span+2]; k3 = yknots[span+3]; c3 = m00*k0 + m01*k1 + m02*k2 + m03*k3; c2 = m10*k0 + m11*k1 + m12*k2 + m13*k3; c1 = m20*k0 + m21*k1 + m22*k2 + m23*k3; c0 = m30*k0 + m31*k1 + m32*k2 + m33*k3; return ((c3*t + c2)*t + c1)*t + c0; } /** * Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values. * @param x the input parameter * @param numKnots the number of knots in the spline * @param knots the array of knots * @return the spline value */ public static int colorSpline(float x, int numKnots, int[] knots) { int span; int numSpans = numKnots - 3; float k0, k1, k2, k3; float c0, c1, c2, c3; if (numSpans < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few knots in spline"); x = clamp(x, 0, 1) * numSpans; span = (int)x; if (span > numKnots-4) span = numKnots-4; x -= span; int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int shift = i * 8; k0 = (knots[span] >> shift) & 0xff; k1 = (knots[span+1] >> shift) & 0xff; k2 = (knots[span+2] >> shift) & 0xff; k3 = (knots[span+3] >> shift) & 0xff; c3 = m00*k0 + m01*k1 + m02*k2 + m03*k3; c2 = m10*k0 + m11*k1 + m12*k2 + m13*k3; c1 = m20*k0 + m21*k1 + m22*k2 + m23*k3; c0 = m30*k0 + m31*k1 + m32*k2 + m33*k3; int n = (int)(((c3*x + c2)*x + c1)*x + c0); if (n < 0) n = 0; else if (n > 255) n = 255; v |= n << shift; } return v; } /** * Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values, but with variable knot spacing. * @param x the input parameter * @param numKnots the number of knots in the spline * @param xknots the array of knot x values * @param yknots the array of knot y values * @return the spline value */ public static int colorSpline(int x, int numKnots, int[] xknots, int[] yknots) { int span; int numSpans = numKnots - 3; float k0, k1, k2, k3; float c0, c1, c2, c3; if (numSpans < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few knots in spline"); for (span = 0; span < numSpans; span++) if (xknots[span+1] > x) break; if (span > numKnots-3) span = numKnots-3; float t = (float)(x-xknots[span]) / (xknots[span+1]-xknots[span]); span--; if (span < 0) { span = 0; t = 0; } int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int shift = i * 8; k0 = (yknots[span] >> shift) & 0xff; k1 = (yknots[span+1] >> shift) & 0xff; k2 = (yknots[span+2] >> shift) & 0xff; k3 = (yknots[span+3] >> shift) & 0xff; c3 = m00*k0 + m01*k1 + m02*k2 + m03*k3; c2 = m10*k0 + m11*k1 + m12*k2 + m13*k3; c1 = m20*k0 + m21*k1 + m22*k2 + m23*k3; c0 = m30*k0 + m31*k1 + m32*k2 + m33*k3; int n = (int)(((c3*t + c2)*t + c1)*t + c0); if (n < 0) n = 0; else if (n > 255) n = 255; v |= n << shift; } return v; } /** * An implementation of Fant's resampling algorithm. * @param source the source pixels * @param dest the destination pixels * @param length the length of the scanline to resample * @param offset the start offset into the arrays * @param stride the offset between pixels in consecutive rows * @param out an array of output positions for each pixel */ public static void resample(int[] source, int[] dest, int length, int offset, int stride, float[] out) { int i, j; float intensity; float sizfac; float inSegment; float outSegment; int a, r, g, b, nextA, nextR, nextG, nextB; float aSum, rSum, gSum, bSum; float[] in; int srcIndex = offset; int destIndex = offset; int lastIndex = source.length; int rgb; in = new float[length+1]; i = 0; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { while (out[i+1] < j) i++; in[j] = i + (float) (j - out[i]) / (out[i + 1] - out[i]); } in[length] = length; inSegment = 1.0f; outSegment = in[1]; sizfac = outSegment; aSum = rSum = gSum = bSum = 0.0f; rgb = source[srcIndex]; a = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff; r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; b = rgb & 0xff; srcIndex += stride; rgb = source[srcIndex]; nextA = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff; nextR = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; nextG = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; nextB = rgb & 0xff; srcIndex += stride; i = 1; while (i < length) { float aIntensity = inSegment * a + (1.0f - inSegment) * nextA; float rIntensity = inSegment * r + (1.0f - inSegment) * nextR; float gIntensity = inSegment * g + (1.0f - inSegment) * nextG; float bIntensity = inSegment * b + (1.0f - inSegment) * nextB; if (inSegment < outSegment) { aSum += (aIntensity * inSegment); rSum += (rIntensity * inSegment); gSum += (gIntensity * inSegment); bSum += (bIntensity * inSegment); outSegment -= inSegment; inSegment = 1.0f; a = nextA; r = nextR; g = nextG; b = nextB; if (srcIndex < lastIndex) rgb = source[srcIndex]; nextA = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff; nextR = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; nextG = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; nextB = rgb & 0xff; srcIndex += stride; } else { aSum += (aIntensity * outSegment); rSum += (rIntensity * outSegment); gSum += (gIntensity * outSegment); bSum += (bIntensity * outSegment); dest[destIndex] = ((int)Math.min(aSum/sizfac, 255) << 24) | ((int)Math.min(rSum/sizfac, 255) << 16) | ((int)Math.min(gSum/sizfac, 255) << 8) | (int)Math.min(bSum/sizfac, 255); destIndex += stride; rSum = gSum = bSum = 0.0f; inSegment -= outSegment; outSegment = in[i+1] - in[i]; sizfac = outSegment; i++; } } } }
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