首页>代码>spring+spring mvc+mybatis搭建简单的java web项目框架>/LearnChineseweb/src/main/java/com/atguigu/crud/bean/SchoolExample.java
package com.atguigu.crud.bean; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SchoolExample { protected String orderByClause; protected boolean distinct; protected List<Criteria> oredCriteria; public SchoolExample() { oredCriteria = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); } public void setOrderByClause(String orderByClause) { this.orderByClause = orderByClause; } public String getOrderByClause() { return orderByClause; } public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; } public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; } public List<Criteria> getOredCriteria() { return oredCriteria; } public void or(Criteria criteria) { oredCriteria.add(criteria); } public Criteria or() { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal(); oredCriteria.add(criteria); return criteria; } public Criteria createCriteria() { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal(); if (oredCriteria.size() == 0) { oredCriteria.add(criteria); } return criteria; } protected Criteria createCriteriaInternal() { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); return criteria; } public void clear() { oredCriteria.clear(); orderByClause = null; distinct = false; } protected abstract static class GeneratedCriteria { protected List<Criterion> criteria; protected GeneratedCriteria() { super(); criteria = new ArrayList<Criterion>(); } public boolean isValid() { return criteria.size() > 0; } public List<Criterion> getAllCriteria() { return criteria; } public List<Criterion> getCriteria() { return criteria; } protected void addCriterion(String condition) { if (condition == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Value for condition cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition)); } protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value, String property) { if (value == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Value for " + property + " cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value)); } protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value1, Object value2, String property) { if (value1 == null || value2 == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Between values for " + property + " cannot be null"); } criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value1, value2)); } public Criteria andIdIsNull() { addCriterion("id is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdIsNotNull() { addCriterion("id is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("id =", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdNotEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("id <>", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdGreaterThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("id >", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("id >=", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdLessThan(Integer value) { addCriterion("id <", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("id <=", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("id in", values, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("id not in", values, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("id between", value1, value2, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andIdNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("id not between", value1, value2, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameIsNull() { addCriterion("name is null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameIsNotNull() { addCriterion("name is not null"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("name =", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameNotEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("name <>", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameGreaterThan(String value) { addCriterion("name >", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("name >=", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameLessThan(String value) { addCriterion("name <", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) { addCriterion("name <=", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameLike(String value) { addCriterion("name like", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameNotLike(String value) { addCriterion("name not like", value, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameIn(List<String> values) { addCriterion("name in", values, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameNotIn(List<String> values) { addCriterion("name not in", values, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameBetween(String value1, String value2) { addCriterion("name between", value1, value2, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } public Criteria andNameNotBetween(String value1, String value2) { addCriterion("name not between", value1, value2, "name"); return (Criteria) this; } } public static class Criteria extends GeneratedCriteria { protected Criteria() { super(); } } public static class Criterion { private String condition; private Object value; private Object secondValue; private boolean noValue; private boolean singleValue; private boolean betweenValue; private boolean listValue; private String typeHandler; public String getCondition() { return condition; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public Object getSecondValue() { return secondValue; } public boolean isNoValue() { return noValue; } public boolean isSingleValue() { return singleValue; } public boolean isBetweenValue() { return betweenValue; } public boolean isListValue() { return listValue; } public String getTypeHandler() { return typeHandler; } protected Criterion(String condition) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.typeHandler = null; this.noValue = true; } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, String typeHandler) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.value = value; this.typeHandler = typeHandler; if (value instanceof List<?>) { this.listValue = true; } else { this.singleValue = true; } } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value) { this(condition, value, null); } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue, String typeHandler) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.value = value; this.secondValue = secondValue; this.typeHandler = typeHandler; this.betweenValue = true; } protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue) { this(condition, value, secondValue, null); } } }
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