package com.ts.action; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.ts.dao.imp.NoticeDAO; import com.ts.service.DepartmentService; import com.ts.service.RoleService; import com.ts.service.UserService; import com.ts.vo.Department; import com.ts.vo.Notice; import com.ts.vo.Page; import com.ts.vo.Roles; import com.ts.vo.Users; public class AdminAction extends ActionSupport { private Department dept; private Roles role; private Users user; private int departmentid; private int roleid; private int userid; private int currPage; private int select_index; private String select_key; private int select_dept; private int select_contactor; private String flag; private int index; private int noticeid; private Notice notice; private String content; // ===============up:Field Objects--------- down:Services======================= private DepartmentService deptService; private RoleService roleService; private UserService userService; private NoticeDAO noticeDao; // ----------------------------Action Methods // --------------------------------- public String assignRoleAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Roles role = roleService.getRoleById(roleid); Users olduser = userService.getUserById(userid); if (role != null && olduser != null) { olduser.setRoles(role); if (userService.editUser(olduser)) { return "listuser"; }else session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "角色分配失败!可能该用户或者角色数据已经被并发修改"); return "error"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "角色分配失败!可能该用户或者角色数据已经被并发修改"); return "error"; } } public String getRolesAndDeptsAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); List<Department> dlist=deptService.listDepartment(); List<Roles> rlist=roleService.listRole(); session.setAttribute("dlist", dlist); session.setAttribute("rlist", rlist); if("edit".equals(flag)){ List<Users> userlist=(List<Users>)session.getAttribute("userlist"); Users edituser=userlist.get(index); session.setAttribute("edituser", edituser); return "gotoEditUser"; }else{ return "gotoAddUser"; } } public String addUserAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); if (userService.addUser(user)) { return "listuser"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "增加失败!请确认输入数据正确!"); return "error"; } } public String editUserAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Users olduser=userService.getUserById(user.getUserid()); olduser.setPassword(user.getPassword()); olduser.setPosition(user.getPosition()); olduser.setDepartment(deptService.getDepartmentById(user.getDepartment().getDepartmentid())); olduser.setRoles(roleService.getRoleById(user.getRoles().getRoleid())); olduser.setSex(user.getSex()); olduser.setIntroduction(user.getIntroduction()); if (userService.editUser(olduser)) { session.setAttribute("editinfo", "修改成功!"); return "listuser"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "修改失败,请确认输入数据正确"); return "error"; } } public String listUserAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); int counts = userService.getUserCount(); int pageSize = 12; int pages = counts % pageSize == 0 ? counts / pageSize : counts / pageSize + 1; if (currPage >= pages) { currPage = pages; } if (currPage <= 1) { currPage = 1; } int startIndex = (currPage - 1) * pageSize + 1; int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1 > counts ? counts : startIndex + pageSize - 1; Page p = new Page(); p.setCounts(counts); p.setCurrPage(currPage); p.setEndIndex(endIndex); p.setPageSize(pageSize); p.setStartIndex(startIndex); p.setPages(pages); List<Users> userlist = userService.listUser(p); System.out.println(p.getCounts()); System.out.println(p.getCurrPage()); System.out.println(userlist.size()); session.setAttribute("userlist", userlist); session.setAttribute("currPage", currPage); session.setAttribute("page", p); return "listusersuc"; } public String conditionlistUserAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); String hqlcount = ""; String hqllist = ""; switch (select_index) { case 0: hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where " + "userid like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "username like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + " phone like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + " mobilephone like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "email like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "position like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "address like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "sex like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where " + "userid like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "username like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + " phone like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + " mobilephone like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "email like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "position like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "address like '%" + select_key + "%' or " + "sex like '%" + select_key + "%'"; break; case 1: hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where userid like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where userid like '%" + select_key + "%'"; break; case 2: hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where username like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where username like '%" + select_key + "%'"; break; case 3: Department dept = deptService.getDepartmentById(select_dept); hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where departmentid=" + dept.getDepartmentid(); hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where departmentid=" + dept.getDepartmentid(); break; case 4: if (select_contactor == 0) { hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users"; } else if (select_contactor == 1) { hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where phone like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where phone like '%" + select_key + "%'"; } else if (select_contactor == 2) { hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where mobilephone like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where mobilephone like '%" + select_key + "%'"; } else { hqlcount = "select count(*) from com.ts.vo.Users where email like '%" + select_key + "%'"; hqllist = "from com.ts.vo.Users where email like '%" + select_key + "%'"; } break; } System.out.println(hqlcount); System.out.println(hqllist); int counts = userService.getUserCount(hqlcount); int pageSize = 10; int pages = counts % pageSize == 0 ? counts / pageSize : counts / pageSize + 1; if (currPage >= pages) { currPage = pages; } if (currPage <= 1) { currPage = 1; } int startIndex = (currPage - 1) * pageSize + 1; int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1 > counts ? counts : startIndex + pageSize - 1; Page p = new Page(); p.setCounts(counts); p.setCurrPage(currPage); p.setEndIndex(endIndex); p.setPageSize(pageSize); p.setStartIndex(startIndex); p.setPages(pages); List<Users> userlist = userService.listUser(hqllist, p); System.out.println(p.getCounts()); System.out.println(p.getCurrPage()); System.out.println(userlist.size()); session.setAttribute("userlist", userlist); session.setAttribute("currPage", currPage); session.setAttribute("page", p); return "listusersuc"; } public String deleteUserAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Users duser=userService.getUserById(userid); if (userService.deleteUser(duser)) { return "listuser"; } else { System.out.println("fail to delete"); session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "删除失败.可能是该员工的某些关联数据尚未删除"); return "error"; } } // ------------------------------------Department Operation------------- public String addDepartmentAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); if (deptService.addDepartment(dept)) { List<Department> dlist = deptService.listDepartment(); session.setAttribute("dlist", dlist); return "suc"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "增加失败!请确认输入数据正确!"); return "error"; } } public String editDepartmentAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); if (deptService.editDepartment(dept)) { List<Department> dlist = deptService.listDepartment(); session.setAttribute("dlist", dlist); return "suc"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "修改失败!请确认输入数据正确!"); return "error"; } } public String deleteDepartmentAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); System.out.println(departmentid); Department deldept = deptService.getDepartmentById(departmentid); if (deptService.deleteDepartment(deldept)) { List<Department> dlist = deptService.listDepartment(); session.setAttribute("dlist", dlist); System.out.println("Here--------"); return "suc"; } else { System.out.println("fail to delete"); session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "删除失败!建议删除该部门前先 清空 部门下属员工或者子部门"); return "error"; } } // ------------------------------------Roles Operation------------- public String listRoleAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); System.out.println("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"); List<Roles> rlist = roleService.listRole(); session.setAttribute("rlist", rlist); session.setAttribute("rolecount", rlist.size()); return "listrolesuc"; } public String addRoleAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); if (roleService.addRole(role)) { return "listrole"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "增加角色失败!请确认输入数据正确!"); return "error"; } } public String editRoleAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); if (roleService.editRole(role)) { return "listrole"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "角色修改失败!可能是该角色关联用户限制!"); return "error"; } } public String deleteRoleAdmin() throws Exception { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Roles oldrole=roleService.getRoleById(roleid); if (roleService.deleteRole(oldrole)) { return "listrole"; } else { session.setAttribute("errorinfo", "删除失败!建议删除该部门前先 清空 部门下属员工或者子部门"); return "error"; } } //公告管理 public String listNoticeAdmin(){ HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); System.out.println("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"); List<Notice> rlist = noticeDao.findAll(); session.setAttribute("nlist", rlist); session.setAttribute("ncount", rlist.size()); return "listnoticesuc"; } public String deleteNoticeAdmin(){ System.out.println("noticeid is"+noticeid); Notice oldrole=noticeDao.findById(noticeid); noticeDao.delete(oldrole); return "listnotice"; } public String editNoticeAdmin(){ System.out.println("更新----------"); System.out.println(content+" "+notice.getId()); Notice notice2 = noticeDao.findById(notice.getId()); System.out.println(content+" "+notice2.getContent()); notice2.setContent(content); noticeDao.update(notice2); System.out.println(content); return "listnotice"; } public String addNoticeAdmin() throws ParseException{ HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); Users users = (Users) session.getAttribute("user"); System.out.println(users.getAddress()); Date sdate=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm").parse(new Date().toLocaleString()); notice.setPublicdate(sdate); notice.setPublicname(users.getUsername()); System.out.println(notice.getContent()+""+notice.getPublicname()+""+notice.getPublicdate());; return "listnotice"; } // =============================Setters & Getters ========================= private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public DepartmentService getDeptService() { return deptService; } public void setDeptService(DepartmentService deptService) { this.deptService = deptService; } public Department getDept() { return dept; } public void setDept(Department dept) { this.dept = dept; } public int getDepartmentid() { return departmentid; } public void setDepartmentid(int departmentid) { this.departmentid = departmentid; } public RoleService getRoleService() { return roleService; } public void setRoleService(RoleService roleService) { this.roleService = roleService; } public Roles getRole() { return role; } public void setRole(Roles role) { this.role = role; } public int getRoleid() { return roleid; } public void setRoleid(int roleid) { this.roleid = roleid; } public Users getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(Users user) { this.user = user; } public int getUserid() { return userid; } public void setUserid(int userid) { this.userid = userid; } public int getCurrPage() { return currPage; } public void setCurrPage(int currPage) { this.currPage = currPage; } public UserService getUserService() { return userService; } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public int getSelect_index() { return select_index; } public void setSelect_index(int selectIndex) { select_index = selectIndex; } public String getSelect_key() { return select_key; } public void setSelect_key(String selectKey) { select_key = selectKey; } public int getSelect_dept() { return select_dept; } public void setSelect_dept(int selectDept) { select_dept = selectDept; } public int getSelect_contactor() { return select_contactor; } public void setSelect_contactor(int selectContactor) { select_contactor = selectContactor; } public String getFlag() { return flag; } public void setFlag(String flag) { this.flag = flag; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } public NoticeDAO getNoticeDao() { return noticeDao; } public void setNoticeDao(NoticeDAO noticeDao) { this.noticeDao = noticeDao; } public int getNoticeid() { return noticeid; } public void setNoticeid(int noticeid) { this.noticeid = noticeid; } public Notice getNotice() { return notice; } public void setNotice(Notice notice) { this.notice = notice; } public String getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } }
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