package com.neusoft.action; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.neusoft.utils.Pager; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ModelDriven; import com.neusoft.dto.RateDto; import com.neusoft.model.*; import com.neusoft.service.OrderService; import com.neusoft.service.RentService; /** * @ClassName: * @Description: * @author administrator * @date 2015年12月24日 下午1:46:33 - 2016年12月15日 21时47分54秒 */ @Controller("orderAction") @Scope("prototype") public class OrderAction extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven<Order>{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //==========model============== private Order order; @Override public Order getModel() { if(order==null) order = new Order(); return order; } //==========model============== /** * 依赖注入 start dao/service/=== */ @Autowired private OrderService orderService; @Autowired private RentService rentService; //依赖注入 end dao/service/=== //-------------------------华丽分割线--------------------------------------------- //============自定义参数start============= private String startTime; //页面传入的开始时间 private String endTime; //页面传入的结束时间 private Integer flag;//标识位 private Date rentTime; private Date returnTime; public String getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(String startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public String getEndTime() { return endTime; } public void setEndTime(String endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } public Integer getFlag() { return flag; } public void setFlag(Integer flag) { this.flag = flag; } //============自定义参数end============= //-------------------------华丽分割线--------------------------------------------- public Date getRentTime() { return rentTime; } public void setRentTime(Date rentTime) { this.rentTime = rentTime; } public Date getReturnTime() { return returnTime; } public void setReturnTime(Date returnTime) { this.returnTime = returnTime; } //============文件上传start======================================================= private File file; //提交过来的file的名字 private String fileFileName; //提交过来的file的MIME类型 private String fileContentType; public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public String getFileFileName() { return fileFileName; } public void setFileFileName(String fileFileName) { this.fileFileName = fileFileName; } public String getFileContentType() { return fileContentType; } public void setFileContentType(String fileContentType) { this.fileContentType = fileContentType; } //============文件上传end========================================================= //-------------------------华丽分割线---------------------------------------------// //=============公=======共=======方=======法==========区=========start============// /** * 前台用户查看我的订单(我的订单) * @return */ public String findOrderByUserId() { // 获得用户的id. User existUser = (User) ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("user"); if(existUser==null){ return "userLogin"; }else{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 "); sb = sb.append(" and = :userId "); // 获得用户的id Integer userId = existUser.getId(); alias.put("userId",userId); //根据编号模糊查询 if(order.getCode()!=null){ sb = sb.append(" and code like :code "); alias.put("code", "%"+order.getCode()+"%"); } sb = sb.append("order by id desc"); // 根据用户的id查询订单: Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); // 将PageBean数据带到页面上. ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); return "findOrderByUid"; } } /** * 前台订单详情 * @return */ public String getByOrderId(){ Order currOrder = orderService.getById(order.getId()); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", currOrder); if(flag==1){//当前台传入为1时表示查看详情 当为2的时就为跳入到订单修改页面 return SUCCESS; }else{ return "updateOrderByOrderId"; } } /** * 前台修改订单 * @return */ public String exUpdateOrderByOrderId(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); Rent r=rentService.getById(n.getRent().getId()); r.setRentTime(rentTime); r.setReturnTime(returnTime); rentService.update(r); ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 前台用户查看租车记录(租车记录) * @return */ public String rentInfoList() { // 获得用户的id. User existUser = (User) ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("user"); if(existUser==null){ return "userLogin"; }else{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 and isDeal=1"); sb = sb.append(" and = :userId "); // 获得用户的id Integer userId = existUser.getId(); alias.put("userId",userId); //根据编号模糊查询 if(order.getCode()!=null){ sb = sb.append(" and code like :code "); alias.put("code", "%"+order.getCode()+"%"); } sb = sb.append("order by id desc"); // 根据用户的id查询订单: Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); // 将PageBean数据带到页面上. ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); return SUCCESS; } } /** * 前台租车记录中的已经完成租车详情 * @return */ public String getDetailByOrderId(){ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); String hql ="from Order where 1=1 and id = :id and isDeal=1"; alias.put("id", order.getId()); List<Order> orderList = orderService.getByHQL(hql, alias); if(orderList.size()>0){ ActionContext.getContext().put("order", orderList.get(0)); } return SUCCESS; } /** * 列表分页查询 * @throws Exception */ public String order() throws Exception{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 "); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime >= :startTime"); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime < :endTime"); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ alias.put("startTime", sdf.parse(startTime+" 00:00:00")); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ alias.put("endTime", sdf.parse(endTime+" 23:59:59")); } sb = sb.append(" order by id desc"); Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", order); return SUCCESS; } /** * 跳转到添加页面 * @return */ public String add(){ return SUCCESS; } /** * 执行添加 * @return */ public String exAdd(){; ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 查看详情页面 * @return */ public String view(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", n); if(flag==1){//当传入1时显示的详情 return SUCCESS; }else if(flag==2){//当传入2时已经审核通过的详情 return "agreeOrder"; }else{//当传入2时已经完成交易的的详情 return "finishOrder"; } } /** * 跳转修改页面 * @return */ public String update(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", n); return SUCCESS; } /** * 执行修改 * @return */ public String exUpdate(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); orderService.update(n); ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 删除 * @return */ public String delete(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); orderService.update(n); ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 查询未审核订单列表分页查询 * @throws Exception */ public String unAgreeOrder() throws Exception{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 and state=0 "); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime >= :startTime"); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime < :endTime"); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ alias.put("startTime", sdf.parse(startTime+" 00:00:00")); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ alias.put("endTime", sdf.parse(endTime+" 23:59:59")); } sb = sb.append(" order by id desc"); Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", order); return SUCCESS; } /** * 查询未完成交易订单列表分页查询 * @throws Exception */ public String unFinishOrder() throws Exception{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 and isDeal=0 "); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime >= :startTime"); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ sb.append(" and createTime < :endTime"); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ alias.put("startTime", sdf.parse(startTime+" 00:00:00")); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ alias.put("endTime", sdf.parse(endTime+" 23:59:59")); } sb = sb.append(" order by id desc"); Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", order); return SUCCESS; } /** * 完成交易 * @return */ public String finishOrder(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); n.setIsDeal(1); n.setFinishTime(new Date()); orderService.update(n); ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 审批通过 * @return */ public String agreeOrder(){ Order n = orderService.getById(order.getId()); n.setState(1); orderService.update(n); ActionContext.getContext().put("url", "/"); return "redirect"; } /** * 查询完成交易订单列表分页查询 * @throws Exception */ public String hasFinishedOrder() throws Exception{ Map<String,Object> alias = new HashMap<String,Object>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb = sb.append("from Order where 1=1 and isDeal=1 "); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ sb.append(" and finishTime >= :startTime"); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ sb.append(" and finishTime < :endTime"); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){ alias.put("startTime", sdf.parse(startTime+" 00:00:00")); } if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){ alias.put("endTime", sdf.parse(endTime+" 23:59:59")); } sb = sb.append(" order by id desc"); Pager<Order> pagers =orderService.findByAlias(sb.toString(),alias); ActionContext.getContext().put("pagers", pagers); ActionContext.getContext().put("order", order); return SUCCESS; } /** * 利润统计 * @Description (TODO这里用一句话描述这个方法的作用) * @return */ public String tongji(){ List<RateDto> list =orderService.listAll(); ActionContext.getContext().put("list", list); return SUCCESS; } //=============公=======共=======方=======法==========区=========end============// //-------------------------华丽分割线---------------------------------------------// //=============自=======定=======义=========方=======法==========区=========start============// //=============自=======定=======义=========方=======法==========区=========end============// }
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