/** * Copyright 2019-2021 覃海林(qinhaisenlin@163.com). * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.qinhailin.common.base; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject; import com.jfinal.aop.Aop; import com.jfinal.core.Controller; import com.jfinal.core.NotAction; import com.jfinal.kit.Kv; import com.jfinal.kit.PathKit; import com.jfinal.kit.Ret; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Record; import com.jfinal.upload.UploadFile; import com.qinhailin.common.base.service.FileService; import com.qinhailin.common.kit.IdKit; import com.qinhailin.common.model.FileUploaded; import com.qinhailin.common.safe.TokenService; import com.qinhailin.common.visit.Visitor; import com.qinhailin.common.visit.VisitorUtil; import com.qinhailin.common.vo.Feedback; public class BaseController extends Controller { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BaseController.class); FileService fileService =Aop.get(FileService.class); TokenService tokenService=Aop.get(TokenService.class); /** 访问者信息 **/ @NotAction public Visitor getVisitor(){ return VisitorUtil.getVisitor(getSession()); } /** 用户编号 **/ @NotAction public String getUserCode(){ return getVisitor()!=null?getVisitor().getCode():null; } /** * 捕获异常 * * @param e * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年10月15日 */ @NotAction public void handerException(Exception e) { LOG.info(e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } /** * 记录日志信息 * @param message * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年12月11日 */ @NotAction public void logInfo(String message) { LOG.info(message); } /** * 输出异常信息到页面 * @param message * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年12月4日 */ @NotAction public void setException(String message) { setAttr("e", new Exception(message)); } /** * 输出提示信息到页面 * @param message */ @NotAction public void setMsg(String message){ setAttr("msg",message); } /** * 创建32位字符串 * * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月1日 */ @NotAction public String createUUID() { return IdKit.createUUID(); } /** * { * "code": "success", * "success": true, * "error": false, * "msg": "成功" * } * @return */ @NotAction public Feedback suc(){ return Feedback.success("成功"); } /** * { * "code": "success", * "success": true, * "error": false, * "msg": "" * } * @param msg 提示信息 * @return */ @NotAction public Feedback suc(String msg){ return Feedback.success(msg); } /** * { * "code": "error", * "success": false, * "error": true, * "msg": "失败" * } * @return */ @NotAction public Feedback err(){ return Feedback.error("失败"); } /** * { * "code": "error", * "success": false, * "error": true, * "msg": "" * } * @param msg 提示信息 * @return */ @NotAction public Feedback err(String msg){ return Feedback.error(msg); } /** * 获取数组变量ids * * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月1日 */ @NotAction public List<String> getIds() { return getArray("ids"); } /** * 获取数组变量 * * @param arrayName * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年9月17日 */ @NotAction public List<String> getArray(String arrayName) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (getPara(arrayName + "[" + i + "]")== null) { break; } ids.add(getPara(arrayName + "[" + i + "]")); } return ids; } /** * 保存文件记录 * * @return url格式:180801/1808010001004 * * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月1日 */ @NotAction public String saveFile(UploadFile uploadFile) { return fileService.saveFile(uploadFile); } @NotAction public String saveFile(UploadFile uploadFile, String objectId) { return fileService.saveFile(uploadFile, objectId); } @NotAction public List<String> saveFiles(List<UploadFile> list) { return fileService.saveFiles(list); } @NotAction public List<String> saveFiles(List<UploadFile> list, String objectId) { return fileService.saveFiles(list,objectId); } /** * 通过url获取文件记录对象 * * @param url * 格式:180801/1808010001004 * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月1日 */ @NotAction public FileUploaded getFileUploaded(String url) { return fileService.queryFileUploadedByUrl(url); } @NotAction public FileUploaded getFileUploadedByObjectId(String objectId) { return fileService.queryFileUploadedByObjectId(objectId); } @NotAction public List<FileUploaded> getFileUploadListByObjectId(String objectId) { return fileService.queryFileUploadedListByObjectId(objectId); } /** * 删除文件 * * @param url * 格式:180801/1808010001004 * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月1日 */ @NotAction public void deleteFileByUrl(String url) { fileService.deleteFile(url); } @NotAction public void deleteFileByUrls(List<String> urls) { fileService.deleteFiles(urls); } @NotAction public void deleteFileByModel(FileUploaded entity) { fileService.delete(entity); } @NotAction public void deleteFileByObjectId(String objectId) { fileService.deleteFileByObjectId(objectId); } /** * 导入数据 * * @param uf * @param sql * insert into game_theme (id, state, title) values(?,?,?) * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年9月14日 */ @NotAction public Boolean importExcel(UploadFile uf, String sql) { boolean b = fileService.importExcel(uf, sql); fileService.deleteFile(uf); return b; } /** * 导出数据.xlsx * * @param title * String[] title={"姓名","性别","年龄",...} * @param fileName * @param sql * select name as '0',sex as '1',age as '2' from user * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2018年8月14日 */ @NotAction public void exportExcel(String[] title, String fileName, String sql) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, fileName, sql); } @NotAction public void exportExcel(String[] title, String sql) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, null, sql); } /** * 文件名放前面,避免误用 * @param fileName * @param title * @param sql * @param paras */ @NotAction public void exportExcel(String fileName, String[] title, String sql, Object... paras) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, fileName, sql, paras); } @NotAction public void exportExcel(String[] title, String sql, Object... paras) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, null, sql, paras); } @NotAction public void exportExcel(String[] title, String fileName, List<Record> list) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, fileName, list); } @NotAction public void exportExcel(String[] title, List<Record> list) { fileService.exportExcelxlsx(getResponse(), title, null, list); } /** * 写内容到html * @param fileName 格式:index.html * @param text 任意内容 * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2019年3月21日 */ @NotAction public void writeToHtml(String fileName,String text) { File file = new File(PathKit.getWebRootPath() + getViewPath()+"/"+fileName); try { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file),"UTF-8")); writer.write(text); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { handerException(e); } } /** * 返回接口成功数据 * @param data * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2019年3月6日 */ @NotAction public Ret ok(Object data) { return Ret.ok("msg", "成功").set("data", data); } @NotAction public Ret ok() { return Ret.ok("msg", "成功"); } @NotAction public Ret fail() { return Ret.fail("msg", "失败"); } /** * 返回接口失败数据 * @param data * @return * @author QinHaiLin * @date 2019年3月6日 */ @NotAction public Ret fail(String msg) { return Ret.fail("msg", msg); } /** * 获取请求参数,转化为JSONObject * @return */ @NotAction public JSONObject getAllParamsToJson(){ JSONObject result=new JSONObject(); Map<String,String[]> map=getParaMap(); Set<String> keySet=map.keySet(); for(String key:keySet){ if(map.get(key) instanceof String[]){ String[] value=map.get(key); if(value.length==0){ result.put(key,null); }else if(value.length==1 && key.indexOf("[]")<0){ result.put(key,value[0]); }else{ result.put(key,value); } }else{ result.put(key,map.get(key)); } } return result; } /** * 获取请求参数,转化为JFinal的Record对象 * @return */ @NotAction public Record getAllParamsToRecord(){ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Record result=new Record().setColumns(getKv()); result.remove("_jfinal_token"); return result; } /** * 构造Kv对象 * @param key * @param value * @return */ @NotAction public Kv byKv(Object key,Object value){ return Kv.by(key, value); } /** * 创建token * @return */ @NotAction public String createToken(){ tokenService.createToken(this); return null; } }
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