package controllers; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import models.Bill; import models.BillDetail; import models.BillQuery; import models.Good; import rbac.models.User; import service.CheckService; import; import; public class BillController extends ApplicationController{ public View getInitDetails() throws Exception{ List<Map<String,Object>> footer = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); Map<String,Object> fitem = new HashMap<String,Object>(); fitem.put("name", "合计"); fitem.put("billCount", 0); fitem.put("billCost", 0); footer.add(fitem); Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); result.put("total", 0); result.put("rows", new Object[]{}); result.put("footer", footer); return new JsonView(result); } public View getBillDetails(int billId) throws Exception{ Bill bill = Bill.find(Bill.class, billId); List<Map<String,Object>> items = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); for(BillDetail billDetail: bill.getBillDetails()){ Map<String,Object> item = new HashMap<String,Object>(); item.put("id", billDetail.getGoodId()); Good good = billDetail.getGood(); if (good != null){ item.put("code", good.getCode()); item.put("name", good.getName()); item.put("spec", good.getSpec()); item.put("model", good.getModel()); item.put("color", good.getColor()); item.put("unit", good.getUnit()); } item.put("billCount", billDetail.getBillCount()); item.put("billPrice", billDetail.getBillPrice()); item.put("billCost", billDetail.getBillCost()); item.put("billDetailId", billDetail.getBillDetailId()); items.add(item); } List<Map<String,Object>> footer = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); Map<String,Object> fitem = new HashMap<String,Object>(); fitem.put("name", "合计"); fitem.put("billCount", bill.getBillCount()); fitem.put("billCost", bill.getBillCost()); footer.add(fitem); Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); result.put("total", items.size()); result.put("rows", items); result.put("footer", footer); return new JsonView(result); } public View getItems(int billType, BillQuery q, int rows, int page, String sort, String order) throws Exception{ User user = (User)rbac.getCurrentUser(); String orderBy = "id desc"; if (sort != null && order != null){ orderBy = sort + " " + order; } String cond = "billType=" + billType; List<Object> tmpArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (q != null){ if (q.getCode() != null && !q.getCode().trim().equals("")){ cond += " and (code like ?)"; tmpArgs.add("%" + q.getCode().trim() + "%"); } if (q.getCodeFrom() != null && !q.getCodeFrom().trim().equals("")){ cond += " and code>=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getCodeFrom().trim()); } if (q.getCodeTo() != null && !q.getCodeTo().trim().equals("")){ cond += " and code<=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getCodeTo().trim()); } if (q.getDateFrom() != null && !q.getDateFrom().trim().equals("")){ cond += " and billDate>=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getDateFrom().trim()); } if (q.getDateTo() != null && !q.getDateTo().trim().equals("")){ cond += " and billDate<=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getDateTo().trim()); } if (q.getIntercourseId() != null){ cond += " and intercourseId=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getIntercourseId()); } if (q.getDepotId() != null){ cond += " and depotId=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getDepotId()); } if (q.getDepot2Id() != null){ cond += " and depot2Id=?"; tmpArgs.add(q.getDepot2Id()); } } Object[] args = tmpArgs.toArray(); long total = Bill.count(Bill.class, cond, args); // 查询到的记录数 List<Map<String,Object>> items = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); for(Bill bill: Bill.findAll(Bill.class, cond, args, orderBy, rows, (page-1)*rows)){ Map<String,Object> item = new HashMap<String,Object>(); item.put("id", bill.getId()); item.put("code", bill.getCode()); item.put("billDate", bill.getBillDate()); item.put("status", bill.getStatus()); if (bill.getIntercourse() != null){ item.put("intercourseName", bill.getIntercourse().getShortName()); } if (bill.getDepot() != null){ item.put("depotName", bill.getDepot().getName()); } if (bill.getDepot2() != null){ item.put("depot2Name", bill.getDepot2().getName()); } item.put("remark", bill.getRemark()); item.put("billCount", bill.getBillCount()); item.put("billCost", bill.getBillCost()); // 确定该单据是否可编辑 if (bill.getStatus() == 0 && bill.getWriteUserId() == user.getId().intValue()){ item.put("editable", true); } else { item.put("editable", false); } items.add(item); } Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); result.put("total", total); result.put("rows", items); return new JsonView(result); } public void create() throws Exception{ Bill bill = new Bill(); bill.setCode("单据编号由系统自动生成"); bill.setBillDate(new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); request.setAttribute("editable", true); request.setAttribute("checkable", false); request.setAttribute("bill", bill); request.setAttribute("detailUrl", "/bill/getInitDetails"); } public void edit(int id) throws Exception{ User user = (User)rbac.getCurrentUser(); Bill bill = Bill.find(Bill.class, id); if (bill.getStatus() == 0 && bill.getWriteUserId() == user.getId().intValue()){ request.setAttribute("editable", true); } if (bill.getStatus() == 0){ request.setAttribute("checkable", true); } request.setAttribute("bill", bill); request.setAttribute("detailUrl", "/bill/getBillDetails?billId="+bill.getId()); } public View checkBill(int id) throws Exception{ User user = (User)rbac.getCurrentUser(); String ok = CheckService.checkBill(id, user.getId()); Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); if (ok.equals("ok")){ result.put("success", true); result.put("billId", id); } else { result.put("failure", true); result.put("msg", ok); } return new JsonView(result); } public View destroy(int id) throws Exception{ User user = (User)rbac.getCurrentUser(); Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); Bill item = Bill.find(Bill.class, id); if (item.getStatus() == 0){ if (item.getWriteUserId() != user.getId().intValue()){ result.put("failure", true); result.put("msg", "对不起,你没有权限删除该单据。"); } else { item.destroy(); result.put("success", true); } } else { result.put("failure", true); result.put("msg", "该单据已经审核,不能删除。"); } return new JsonView(result); } protected Map<String,Object> saveBill(Bill item, String goods) throws Exception{ Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>(); try{ Bill.beginTransaction(); if (item.getId() == null){ switch(item.getBillType().intValue()){ case 1: item.setCode(Bill.nextCode("RM")); break; case 11: item.setCode(Bill.nextCode("RP")); break; case 2: item.setCode(Bill.nextCode("SM")); break; case 3: item.setCode(Bill.nextCode("TR")); break; }; } BillDetail.deleteAll(BillDetail.class, "billId=?", new Object[]{item.getId()}); if (goods != null && !goods.trim().equals("")){ int count = 0; BigDecimal cost = new BigDecimal(0); String[] rows = goods.trim().split(","); for(String row: rows){ String[] fields = row.split(":"); BillDetail detail = new BillDetail(); detail.setBillId(item.getId()); detail.setGoodId(Integer.parseInt(fields[0])); detail.setBillCount(Integer.parseInt(fields[1])); detail.setBillPrice(new BigDecimal(fields[2])); if (fields.length>=4){ detail.setBillDetailId(Integer.valueOf(fields[3])); }; count += detail.getBillCount(); cost = cost.add(detail.getBillPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(detail.getBillCount()))); } item.setBillCount(count); item.setBillCost(cost);; } else {; } Bill.commit(); result.put("success", true); result.put("billId", item.getId()); } catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); Bill.rollback(); result.put("failure", true); result.put("msg", "单据保存过程出现错误:" + ex.getMessage()); } return result; } }
lhm789 LV6
233002037 LV3
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erqiu2013 LV18
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ssh123 LV10
想飞的大肥猪 LV9