Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project edu-common-parent: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact from/to snapshots ( Access denied to
[root@chenm-03 bin]# vi nexus
#! /bin/sh
# Copyright (c) 1999, 2006 Tanuki Software Inc.
# Java Service Wrapper sh script. Suitable for starting and stopping
# wrapped Java applications on UNIX platforms.
# These settings can be modified to fit the needs of your application
# Set this to the root of the Nexus installation
# If specified, the Wrapper will be run as the specified user.
# IMPORTANT - Make sure that the user has the required privileges to write into the Nexus installation directory.
# NOTE - This will set the user which is used to run the Wrapper as well as
# the JVM and is not useful in situations where a privileged resource or
# port needs to be allocated prior to the user being changed.
"nexus" 552L, 14619C written