天丫头 2014-04-28 20:19:04


应项目需要做了一个定时更新的 cache 框架,采用 spring+quartz 很方便的实现,可以适用任何需要定时才更新的地方,比如静态网页 cache 等。代码很简单:


package  com.bankcomm.cache;
 import  org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 import  org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 import  org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

 import  org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;


 import  com.bankcomm.util.ContextUtil;


 public   class  QuartzCacheHandler  {

        private   static  ApplicationContext actx;


       Log log  =  LogFactory.getLog( this .getClass());


        * 程序载入配置文件<br>

        * Author:pesome<br>

        * Time:2006-12-8 上午10:29:26<br>

         public   static   void  init()  {

               try   {

                     actx  =   new  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(

                                    new  String[]  {  " quartzCache*.xml "  } );

              }   catch  (Exception e)  {


                      throw   new  RuntimeException();


        private  QuartzCacheHandler()  {


        * 在程序载入配置文件时使用<br>

        * Author:pesome<br>

        * Time:2006-12-8 上午10:28:07<br>


        *  @param  beanName

        *  @param  key

        *  @return 
         public   static  Object getSe(String beanName, String key)  {

               return  ((QuartzCache) actx.getBean(beanName)).get(key);


        * 在web容器中,初始化时载入配置文件时使用<br>

* Author:pesome<br>

        * Time:2006-12-8 上午10:28:40<br>


        *  @param  beanName

        *  @param  key

        *  @return  

         public   static  Object get(String beanName, String key)  {

               return  ((QuartzCache) ContextUtil.getBean(beanName)).get(key);



package com.bankcomm.cache
 import  java.util.HashMap;

 import  java.util.Map;


 import  org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 import  org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


 public   abstract   class  QuartzCache  {

        private  Log log  =  LogFactory.getLog( this .getClass());


        protected  Map cacheMap  =   new  HashMap();


        * 抽象方法由具体的cache类实现,一般为调用put方法<br>

        * Author:pesome<br>

        * Time:2006-12-7 下午05:47:26<br>

        public   abstract   void  refresh();


        public  Object get(String key)  {

               return  cacheMap.get(key);


        public   void  put(String key, Object value)  {

              cacheMap.put(key, value);

              log.info( " put to quartz cache key= "   +  key  +   " ,value= "   +  value);



Web.xml 中只需加 2 句:

 < context-param > 
         < param-name > contextConfigLocation </ param-name > 
         < param-value > /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml </ param-value > 
     </ context-param > 
     < listener > 
         < listener-class > 
         </ listener-class > 
     </ listener > 



  <? xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312" ?> 

                       "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd" > 
 < beans > 
      < bean

          class ="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean" > 
          < property  name ="triggers" > 
               < list > 
                    < ref  local ="simpleTrigger"   /> 
               </ list > 
          </ property > 
      </ bean > 

      < bean  id ="methodInvokingJobDetail" 
         class ="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean" > 
          < property  name ="targetObject" > 
               < ref  bean ="simpleCache"   /> 
          </ property > 
          < property  name ="targetMethod" > 
               < value > refresh </ value > 
          </ property > 
      </ bean > 

      < bean  id ="simpleTrigger" 
         class ="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean" > 
          < property  name ="jobDetail" > 
               <!--  see the example of method invoking job above  --> 
               < ref  bean ="methodInvokingJobDetail"   /> 
          </ property > 
          < property  name ="startDelay" > 
               < value > 0 </ value > 
          </ property > 
          <!--  set the refresh interval,millisecond  --> 
          < property  name ="repeatInterval" > 
               < value > 2000 </ value > 
          </ property > 
      </ bean > 

      <!--  custom job beans  --> 
     < bean  id ="simpleCache"  class ="com.bankcomm.cache.SimpleCache" ></ bean > 
 </ beans > 

写自己的QuartzCache子类并实现refresh方法,然后在配置文件中定义bean和相应的trigger就能方便的实现定时cache了。示例中使用了 SimpleTriggerBean ,每2s更新一次。也可以使用CronTriggerBean,每天定时更新。 使用 cache ,只需调用 QuartzCacheHandler 的 get 和 getSe 就行, get 是在由 web 容器启动 quartz 的场合使用, getSe 在使用 init 方法启动时使用。 Get 中调用了自己写的一个 ContextUtil ,它包含一个静态的 applicationContex 的引用,在 spring 容器启动后由 MyContextLoaderListener (重载 spring 的ContextLoaderListener )填充。


最代码官方编辑于2016-6-13 9:31:26


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