浪子逍遥遥 2017-06-12 15:23:55






package com.xe.demo.model;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class IMemberOrders {
    private Long oid;

    private String ordercode;

    private String nickname;

    private String shopname;

    private Short buycount;

    private BigDecimal paycount;

    private String buytime;

     * @return oid
    public Long getOid() {
        return oid;

     * @param oid
    public void setOid(Long oid) {
        this.oid = oid;

     * 获取订单号
     * @return ordercode - 订单号
    public String getOrdercode() {
        return ordercode;

     * 设置订单号
     * @param ordercode 订单号
    public void setOrdercode(String ordercode) {
        this.ordercode = ordercode;

     * 获取昵称
     * @return nickname - 昵称
    public String getNickname() {
        return nickname;

     * 设置昵称
     * @param nickname 昵称
    public void setNickname(String nickname) {
        this.nickname = nickname;

     * 获取商品名
     * @return shopname - 商品名
    public String getShopname() {
        return shopname;

     * 设置商品名
     * @param shopname 商品名
    public void setShopname(String shopname) {
        this.shopname = shopname;

     * 获取购买数量
     * @return buycount - 购买数量
    public Short getBuycount() {
        return buycount;

     * 设置购买数量
     * @param buycount 购买数量
    public void setBuycount(Short buycount) {
        this.buycount = buycount;

     * 获取当次花费
     * @return paycount - 当次花费
    public BigDecimal getPaycount() {
        return paycount;

     * 设置当次花费
     * @param paycount 当次花费
    public void setPaycount(BigDecimal paycount) {
        this.paycount = paycount;

     * 获取购买时间
     * @return buytime - 购买时间
    public String getBuytime() {
        return buytime;

     * 设置购买时间
     * @param buytime 购买时间
    public void setBuytime(String buytime) {
        this.buytime = buytime;
package com.xe.demo.mapper;

import com.xe.demo.model.IMemberOrders;

public interface IMemberOrdersMapper extends BaseMapper<IMemberOrders> {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.xe.demo.mapper.IMemberOrdersMapper">
  <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.xe.demo.model.IMemberOrders">
    <id column="oid" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="oid" />
    <result column="ordercode" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="ordercode" />
    <result column="nickname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="nickname" />
    <result column="shopname" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="shopname" />
    <result column="buycount" jdbcType="SMALLINT" property="buycount" />
    <result column="paycount" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="paycount" />
    <result column="buytime" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="buytime" />
  <sql id="sql_columns">
  <sql id="sql_where">
      <if test="null != item.oid and '' != item.oid">and oid = #{item.oid}</if>
      <if test="null != item.ordercode and '' != item.ordercode">and ordercode = #{item.ordercode}</if>
      <if test="null != item.nickname and '' != item.nickname">and nickname = #{item.nickname}</if>
      <if test="null != item.shopname and '' != item.shopname">and shopname = #{item.shopname}</if>
      <if test="null != item.buycount and '' != item.buycount">and buycount = #{item.buycount}</if>
      <if test="null != item.paycount and '' != item.paycount">and paycount = #{item.paycount}</if>
      <if test="null != item.buytime and '' != item.buytime">and buytime = #{item.buytime}</if>
  <select id="selectById" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select <include refid="sql_columns" /> from i_member_orders where oid = #{oid}
  <select id="selectOne" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select <include refid="sql_columns" /> from i_member_orders <include refid="sql_where" />
  <select id="selectList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select <include refid="sql_columns" /> from i_member_orders <include refid="sql_where" />
  <select id="selectPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    select <include refid="sql_columns" /> from i_member_orders <include refid="sql_where" /> limit #{page.startRow}, #{page.pageSize}
  <sql id="sql_save_columns">
    insert into i_member_orders(
	  <if test="null != item.ordercode"> ordercode</if>
	  <if test="null != item.nickname">, nickname</if>
	  <if test="null != item.shopname">, shopname</if>
	  <if test="null != item.buycount">, buycount</if>
	  <if test="null != item.paycount">, paycount</if>
	  <if test="null != item.buytime">, buytime</if>
	) values
  <sql id="sql_save_values">
	  <if test="null != item.ordercode"> #{item.ordercode}</if>
	  <if test="null != item.nickname">, #{item.nickname}</if>
	  <if test="null != item.shopname">, #{item.shopname}</if>
	  <if test="null != item.buycount">, #{item.buycount}</if>
	  <if test="null != item.paycount">, #{item.paycount}</if>
	  <if test="null != item.buytime">, #{item.buytime}</if>
  <insert id="save" keyProperty="item.oid" useGeneratedKeys="true">
    <include refid="sql_save_columns" /><include refid="sql_save_values" />
  <insert id="batchSave">
    <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="" separator=";" close="">
	  <include refid="sql_save_columns" /><include refid="sql_save_values" />
  <sql id="sql_update">
    update i_member_orders set oid = #{item.oid}
      <if test="null != item.ordercode">, ordercode = #{item.ordercode}</if>
      <if test="null != item.nickname">, nickname = #{item.nickname}</if>
      <if test="null != item.shopname">, shopname = #{item.shopname}</if>
      <if test="null != item.buycount">, buycount = #{item.buycount}</if>
      <if test="null != item.paycount">, paycount = #{item.paycount}</if>
      <if test="null != item.buytime">, buytime = #{item.buytime}</if>
	where oid = #{item.oid}
  <update id="update">
    <include refid="sql_update" />
  <update id="batchUpdate">
    <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="" separator=";" close="">
	  <include refid="sql_update" />
  <delete id="delArray">
    delete from i_member_orders where oid in
	<foreach collection="array" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach>
  <delete id="delList">
    delete from i_member_orders where oid in
	<foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach>



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