在行: 20 上开始执行命令时出错 -
Insert into AUTH.ROLERIGHT (RRID,FUNID,ROLEID) values (24,3,3)
错误位于命令行: 20 列: 18
错误报告 -
SQL 错误: ORA-04098: 触发器 'AUTH.tib_roleright' 无效且未通过重新验证
04098. 00000 - "trigger '%s.%s' is invalid and failed re-validation"
*Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was
found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization
failed for the trigger.
*Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors,
disable the trigger, or drop the trigger.
在行: 21 上开始执行命令时出错 -
Insert into AUTH.ROLERIGHT (RRID,FUNID,ROLEID) values (25,1,21)
错误位于命令行: 21 列: 18
错误报告 -
SQL 错误: ORA-04098: 触发器 'AUTH.tib_roleright' 无效且未通过重新验证
04098. 00000 - "trigger '%s.%s' is invalid and failed re-validation"
*Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was
found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization
failed for the trigger.
*Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors,
disable the trigger, or drop the trigger.
在行: 22 上开始执行命令时出错 -
Insert into AUTH.ROLERIGHT (RRID,FUNID,ROLEID) values (26,4,21)
错误位于命令行: 22 列: 18
错误报告 -
SQL 错误: ORA-04098: 触发器 'AUTH.tib_roleright' 无效且未通过重新验证
04098. 00000 - "trigger '%s.%s' is invalid and failed re-validation"
*Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was
found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization
failed for the trigger.
*Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors,
disable the trigger, or drop the trigger.
在行: 23 上开始执行命令时出错 -
Insert into AUTH.ROLERIGHT (RRID,FUNID,ROLEID) values (21,1,1)
错误位于命令行: 23 列: 18
错误报告 -
SQL 错误: ORA-04098: 触发器 'AUTH.tib_roleright' 无效且未通过重新验证
04098. 00000 - "trigger '%s.%s' is invalid and failed re-validation"
*Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was
found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization
failed for the trigger.
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