FROM account
WHERE State='00'
SELECT COUNT(property)
FROM custinfo
WHERE Property = '2'
FROM custinfo ,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId` AND Property='1' AND State='00'
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId`
GROUP BY property
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId`
GROUP BY property
SELECT custinfo.`CustId`,account.`CustName`,SUM(Account)
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId` AND custinfo.`Property`='1'
GROUP BY custinfo.`CustId`
HAVING SUM(Account)>5000000
FROM account
WHERE State='00'
SELECT COUNT(property)
FROM custinfo
WHERE Property = '2'
FROM custinfo ,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId` AND Property='1' AND State='00'
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId`
GROUP BY property
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId`
GROUP BY property
SELECT custinfo.`CustId`,account.`CustName`,SUM(Account)
FROM custinfo,account
WHERE custinfo.`CustId`=account.`CustId` AND custinfo.`Property`='1'
GROUP BY custinfo.`CustId`
HAVING SUM(Account)>5000000
1.select sum(amount) from account
2.select count(c.custid) from custinfo c left join account ac on c.sustid = ac.custid where c.property = '1' group by c.custid
3.select ac.* from custinfo c left join account ac on c.sustid = ac.custid where c.property = '2' and ac.state = '00'
4.select count(id),sum(amount) from account group by state
5.select ac.custid,ac.custname,sum(amount) from custinfo c left join account ac on c.sustid = ac.custid where c.property = '2' group by c.custid having sum(amount)>5000000
盲写的 不保证正确率
顺便说下,并不喜欢 from 的表 用 逗号链接~
笛卡尔乘积 表示驾驭不了~
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- 完 谁来告诉我最代码上线的时间,答对者给5牛币,先来先得
- 等 牛友们,大家好,你们做程序员多久了?现在还好吗?
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- 等 最代码2014年欢乐聚声会
- 完 mysql如何查询表数据并且对3个字段降序的SQL?
- 完 最代码牛币机制改革
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- 完 进来分享一下各位牛牛是如何加入最代码大家庭的?
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- 等 最代码是否开发手机app客户端?
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- 等 Java volatile值获取的问题
- 等 前端vue,拦截了登录后台后,返回的token,requests拦截token,但是发送请求的时候,就出现跨越异常
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- 完 伙伴们,大家都有什么好的解压方式么,分享一下~
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- 等 php的install目录是框架带的吗?

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- 完 sql语句如何直接截取某个字段下的部分值?
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- 等 sql如何实现用户表查出所有上级?
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- 完 mysql sql查询语句优化问题